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Okay. Now that I know for a fact

that I'm going to be moving a long distance [between 820 & 1200 miles], this is when my brain is suddenly overloaded with idea that have to be written down! Augh!

I now have a project list on my desktop that has one hundred eighty-three items in it, and about a quarter of them are things for this site (all of my TG content comes here -- well, or Stardust {Hi, Bob!})!

I don't have time for this!

Tomorrow is paperwork for my financial aid advisor, then a doctor's appointment, then a therapy appointment.

Thursday is visit the courthouse day and then I'm part of a panel for students wanting to be psychologists working with the TG community to question.

Friday I break the news to one of my gaming groups that I'm leaving.

Saturday I have to spend most of the day at the library.

Sunday I have lunch and board games with a friend.

Monday I have to say goodbye to a group of friend (my knitterbug circle).

Tuesday is already agreed on day to go with some friends to The Dark Knight matinee, get dinner, then see another movie.

I will most definitely be picking Courtney up and dusting her off late Thursday night -- this brings up something else!

Thursday night I am participating in a Psychology panel, and would like ideas for short pieces to read to, or print for, the class. I already plan on bringing Shoes by Heather Rose Brown, and my own Too Far and A Story With No Title. Any other suggestions?



terrynaut's picture

I recommend Fleurie's, Yellow the Leaves of the Rowan. It's short and very well written. Of course you'd have to get her permission.

- Terry

Food for Thought

You sure have a lot on your plate! Please take good care of yourself -- including plenty of down time. If you don't do that, you won't be any use to anyone. We always say that you can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of yourself.

Anyhow, I have been collecting various articles and stories in a directory called 'Food for Thought' ever since I found that Gabe (my youngest) may be TG. I want to educate the people around here before the stuff starts to hit the fan.

So, here are a few suggestions:

Daddy's Little Girl/Daddy's Big Girl by Heather Rose Brown

Blog entry: Difficult yet Personal Question by Jayme Ann (about suicide)

Good Night Grace by Grover

How Different from Us by Angharad

An Invitation by Kristina L S

It Worked Out for the Best by Holly Logan

I Wish by Susan Heywood

Memorial Day by Dru

The Old Woman's Tale (a fable) by Angharad

The Time My Pain Went Away by Justme

Too Far by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

I chose all of those articles and stories because they illustrate something and provoke thought. Some may not be useful for what you are doing, but I didn't try to prejudge which would be best.

Some time in the future, I plan on making some posts on the way that Christianity and gender issues interact -- both the mistakes that my brothers and sisters make, and what we people of faith should be doing. The only thing I'll say not is that a lot of us are blowing it by failing to like the loving God that we worship.

Ray Drouillard

One thing that amazes me about you...

... is the way that you cook up PROJECTS and make them happen.

I've never had a to-do list that ever reached the size you mention. Once I hit eight or ten or so, the list suddenly disappears, or I somehow don't look at it for months.

You make me feel like a plodder, Edeyn!

Good luck with the move and everything else.



I feel tired just reading this. Where do you propose to get the energy?
