I just attended the first ever Winnipeg Transgender Pride March and Rally. There were far more people - hundreds - than attended the first Gay and Lesbian Pride event I participated in here (and doesn't "Gay and Lesbian Pride" date me!). There were celebrants of all flavours (Canadian spelling there, eh?) of sex, gender, identity and sexuality, our friends, family and supporters - indeed, it was a lot like most LGBTQI* Pride events - but it was special, being about our gender and sex identities. Oh, and there were no parade floats. So it was more of a 'March.' Maybe next year.
Just thought I'd tell you all. It's getting better :-)
WTG Winnipeg
About freaking time. I know, how hard it was to organize Toronto's first trans march, about 9 years ago. WE had to force the issue, as Pride Toronto didn't really want us, as a part of the Pride weekend marches. Sti