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I know that many of you here are on Spironolactone. I've just been prescribed Spironolactone and I see it's primarily used to reduce high blood pressure. This has me concerned because I already take Atenolol for blood pressure. Were any of you on another blood pressure med before going on Spironolactone? If so, did your doctor alter you blood pressure med?


I used for my BP

Wendy Jean's picture

before I started HRT. It is very effective for both uses. Talk to your doc you may need to drop the other one. Pickles taste reall good w/ spiro

My roommate started growing breasts before she took HRT/ On spiroYour results may differ.

Another question

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

At the age of 72, just how much breast development can I realistically expect?


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Spiro removes

Wendy Jean's picture

Testosterone very well You might be surprised look at your sisters and mother. My mother was very small and Imade it to a B cup in my 59's

How big do you desire?

BarbieLee's picture

How big was your mother and other females in the family? How much do you desire and how much are you willing to go the extra mile to achieve the breast size you desire? Genetic inheritance will only get one so far. One can go better than inheritance if they so desire.
What I am about to describe is totally up to you and your doctor.
2 mg of estradiol dissolved under the tongue in the morning
2 mg of estradiol dissolved under the tongue in the evening for a total of 4 mg per day
100 mg of spironololactone one in the morning and one in the evening for a total of 200 mg per day
3 capsules of fenugreek at least once a day, i recommend 3 capsules 3 times a day (up to individual)
3 capsules of Milk Thistle at least once a day, I recommend 3 capsules 3 times a day (up to individual)

Hormones and anti hormones can only do so much. (back to mother and genetic inheritance) Each individual can do a whole lot more than Mother Nature intended.
lubricate and massage your breasts at least once a day, use a top quality body lotion such as coconut cream or some such. How you massage is up to each individual BUT here is a hint. Rub each breast in a circular motion at least 100 times per day. I guarantee you and your doctor will be amazed at the way your breasts blossom out in a short time.

I posted the breast massage technique once before and was criticized it wouldn't help. Ignoring the responses I didn't debate the doubters. Do they not understand it is how weight lifters, body builders, runners develop their physic? Trust me on this and stick with it. Massage your breasts. Buy a NICE bra. You will need it by the second month. Not because your breasts are that big but because they will probably be so sensitive, your nipples touching your blouse will cause an orgasm. A bra doesn't rub, it holds.

In six months you may go up two sizes. Don't get discouraged if you don't achieve it. Going from an A to a B takes three times as much mass. Going from a B to a C takes six to ten times as much mass. You won't only be gaining out but you will be gaining on the sides also. This is why breast forms hardly ever look natural. They don't have the side mass women's natural breasts do.

I wish you happiness in all that you seek. I pray you find peace in your mind and your soul. If you have any questions, I'm the last person on earth you should ask. I'll try to help any way I can. Remember those who have the least knowledge are usually the first ones giving answers about something they have no idea about.

Keep track of your potassium. That spironolactone is a real bitch on screwing up ones potassium chemistry in some individuals. Don't go more than 3 months at a time before checking in with your doctor. This is a lot of chemicals you are tossing down inside your system pushing it to overcome the testosterone. In forty years let's you and me go out to dinner. I'm buying. I don't drink but I'm not above corrupting my friends. I'll even spring for the wine.

hugs hon

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I'd love to...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I'd love to got out to dinner with you in forty years. I'll 112. I don't drink either so you're off the hook for the wine. I've always subscribed to George Burns' philosophy: "The object is to live to be over 100. Very few people die over 100."


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Re: "I posted the breast

Re: "I posted the breast massage technique once before and was criticized it wouldn't help. Ignoring the responses I didn't debate the doubters. Do they not understand it is how weight lifters, body builders, runners develop their physic? "
Massage does not develop the "physic" (physique) of athletes. Exercise does, by increasing muscle mass. Athletes may use massage to help with recovery from exercise.
To increase the size of the muscles under the breasts, the "pecs", you can do pushups and other exercises (use Mr. Google to find them).


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Massage does indeedie work

BarbieLee's picture

Sorry Kris, you're swimming against the tide here. I'm guessing you assume breast massage is a wives tale. Not being a voyeur myself, I'm not posting pictures. Believe or don't believe is up to each individual. However this is so important to those who are trying, I'm not letting it go this time. For the GG and TG who desire more without going the surgical route, breast massage will do the job. How quick is dependent on genetics and determination of each individual. Some get quick results, others take longer. The bottom line is stick with it for the desired effect.

Next time, try and NOT be an expert on this subject. These girls are hanging onto a thin margin of hope for many of them. I'll fight for each and every bit of encouragement I can offer when I know without a doubt there is a way they can manage if they want it bad enough. I'll share this much of my private life. I'm speaking from experience.


google this without the quotes "increase breast size with massage" Although you will find me splashed all over the web, I'm not one of those named in any of these lists.

Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously
Been working all day, a friend snapped this after I came in from the field. Not my best but the only one I'm going to point to that is up on the net. https://twitter.com/UF2 It's grainy so I'm positive most won't know me if they meet me. I'm a very private person who usually has a weapon on her hip. Go figure?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Whoa, cowgirl! Re-read what I

Whoa, cowgirl! Re-read what I wrote. I just pointed out that your use of physique development in athletes to justify massage was wrong. Athletes get improved development (muscular hypertrophy) through exercise, not massage.

I'm not commenting on massage as a way to increase breast development. If it works it would be to stimulate growth of the glandular tissue, which is indeed what you want.

Exercises that develop the pecs (under the breasts) will improve the look of breasts, and are something else to consider.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Well, actually...

You're both right on all counts...

How can that be?! Is what you're both thinking, but...

In the case of muscular development it is a fact that far and away dietary and exercise routines are the most dominant determinant of outcome... Thus, Kris's saying that massage isn't really a good correlation IS correct...

However, whilst body builders are generally mostly after an aesthetic and often are quite lax on their post-workout massage routines, ATHLETES do NOT go lax on the massage part. Ever. And whilst they are after performance and so will almost never reach the same developed mass as a body builder, it has been shown, with strong evidence, that a lot of the performance of those muscles is determined by the whole variety of routines and dietary practices. In cases where they intentionally asked study participants to fall short on any single portion of the entire, the entire system collapses. So, yes, massage makes a big difference here.

Back to the effects on breast development. Massage does, as Kris mentioned, work by stimulating glandular development, and pectoral strength does, also, improve breast shape. So it's important for anyone trying to maximize their potential in the breast department to utilize both in a holistic approach.

As a small aside, it would also benefit you to go braless whenever possible due to the pectoral strength aspect of breast aesthetic. Bras, due to the fact that they confine and contain and minimize mobility of the tissue, can cause a muscular dystrophy in the pectoral muscles. Only wear fashion bras when in public, or athletic bras during rigorous exercise once you actually have something that will bounce around if not contained - this is strictly a comfort thing though, for optimum breasts you really ought to do without here as well, if you want to maintain strong pecs. Bras helping minimize strain on the back in breast heavy girls is a long standing myth created first by the corsettiers and then perpetuated by the brassiers. The only actual cure for back strain is exercise and good posture, same as basically every modern ill. That said, a PROPERLY designed corset DOES tend to "nudge" you into good posture. Not Edwardian. Those cursed things are everything a corset should not do.

Abigail Drew.

i take both

I take both plus benzipril Spiro is used as a diuretic plus will help reduce male hormone as a side affect.

I will say only one thing

The internet is not the place to get information. Stick to your doctor or endocrinologist. Ask them the questions you want answers to. Don't be surprised if the answers you get aren't what you'd like to hear. Every person is different but this is NOT the place to seek medical advice.

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Is primarily a diuretic with other effects as a side effect. I cheeked it out during my medical training some years ago.

Thanks all

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Thank you all for the feed back. I just got a message back from my PCP. It reads as follows, in part:

"This is one of the medication which we use for blood pressure control as well. It is not a very strong blood pressure control medication though."

It goes on to give instructions on how to tell if my fears are well founded and what to do to see if it causes any problems.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Anti Androgen

I agree with previous posts regarding seeking medicine advice on here and other sites, there is some very informative advice at myevanesce.com Spironolactone is a pottasium sparing diuretic with the side effect of blocking testosterone receptors. I have been using the products from the previous mentioned site to deal with testosterone production and have had amazing results, however I should also not be taking things without real medical advice!!!!! but my situation means it was this way or nothing and boy do I feel better about myself as a result.

If It's Just For Blood Pressure

joannebarbarella's picture

I was prescribed 40 mg daily of propranolol, but it won't do anything for breast development; I can testify to that.

bp meds

Uh huh.. Been around the block a few times..lol Couple years self medding: Spiro., Bica., C.P.A.. During my self med days went as high as 350 mg while also on Lisenpril (for my bp..BAD!! Had a heavy dizzy spell will walking at amoderatel pace.When I got home took my bp.. 70's!!!
I've noticed and until hooking up with my new endo was unable to cure a persistant dry cough,, She told me that this was a common by product of the type BP med I had been taking. She replaced that with 25mg twice a day..I am now at 50mg twice a day and know after my next blood work ups that she will increase this again.
I do like the double benefit effect.. Anti androgen and bp med in one.. Have your endo drop the bp med from your routine.


Pharmacist s view

The wish to reduce bloodpreassure can be reached in several ways. One of them is to remove water from the body, this is made by increasing the urine production. This can be made by many different types of substances. The traditional way has been to reduce the re-resormbtion of Sodium in the kiddnies. The problem with the early substances were that the body also lost Potassiun. The balance between Sodium and Potassium is necessary to be constant to have the nerves to function normal. Therefore it was a great relief when it was found that Spirolactone could reduce the bloodpreasure without the loss of potassium, But one of the side-effects was that male patients could get body-changes that made them have breasts, as women. The use of Spironolactom against high bloodpreassure was slowly falling back for the normal treatment for men. Since then there has come other substances that are used to reduce the bloodpreassure by increasing the urine production. But many males who wanted to change the body's forms started to use Spirolactone. The doses were not the same as when used for blood-preassure treatment. Today medical treatment for those males have another therapy way ( like what I had ). First the production of testosterone is reduced/stopped with a blocking medicine. That often leads to change in mood. A mood that might be called "bitchy" and once that level of testosterone is reached treatment with oestrogenes can start. After there has been a grewth of the breasts has stooped and the result is not what the new woman wants. there is the surgical enhancement. Starting of Spirolactone or the testosterone blockers should always be done in cooperation with a doctor that know of the risks and the effects of the treatment. There can be other health-problems that need to be considered when the choice of treatment is done.
Hope this may shed some light in the treatemen of M-t-F transsexuals



I was on it briefly in '93/'94. It wasn't very effective for me, my testosterone count was very high, so within about a year of first using it, I was switched over to Androcur (cyproterone acetate at 50 mg a day initially, boosted over time to 150 mg per day).

I had problems finding ways to get my scrips for estrogen filled a few years back, so was off them for quite some time. This was due to the fact that our provincial government decided that Premarin should only be available for bio women, not MtFs, so supply dropped quite a bit.

When I started back on hormones the last time, in the fall of '15, I used Premarin until we could get approval for Estrace. I have been on 1 mg of Estrace per day for about fifteen months now, along with 50 mg per day of Androcur.

By what I can see, the Androcur is not having much of an effect at the current level, so I'll talk to my doctor about raising it. I've only had one testicle since '96, and my tests showed a count of 40+ (spring/early summer '94, before I lost one to cancer) by the old system (SI?), which is very high. At the time that measurement was taken, I had been on Premarin and Spiro for at least 20 months, possibly almost two years).

I'm not sure when the change happened, but testosterone is now measured in nmol/litre (nanomoles/litre) or ng/dl (nanograms/decilitre).

I was with that doctor for about three years, and my testosterone levels dropped significantly once I was taking the Androcur at 150 mg/day. I dropped him not long after the surgery to remove the malignant testicle, as I had been trying to tell him for over a year that there was something wrong (four visits?); every time I went to raise the issue, he brushed it off until I got pissed and forced him to look at it. By that point, it was too late for the one (not a problem to me, I haven't wanted either one for 35 years) and the cancer was beginning to metastasize.

No lecture, just experience and opinion

I am on spironolactone and was on a different BP med before I began HRT. My doc did take me off my previous med but that should at best be a guideline for you. The best thing to do for this(or any other drug interaction question) is to ask your care provider. Good luck with your transition! I waited longer than I liked to start(46) but it's so great to finally be on the right path. I hope it is the same for you!