70 Today!!!!!

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Wow! As my old idol Mickey Mantle said, "If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'da taken better care of myself."

Yep. April 15th. The date Lincoln died, the date the Titanic sank, Tax Day. Does that tell ya anything about the way my life has been? LOL. Frankly, the way my luck goes, if I inherited 400 acres of pumpkins, some ratsass would cancel Halloween!

Oh well, if this is as bad as it gets, I'll probably be okay. I ain't dying or anything like that, at least I don't think I am... well, any faster than nature decrees anyway. Understand... i'm not complaIning...really! It's more than I can't seem to process that I'm this freakin' old! Yeah I know that there are a couple of you out there that have me beat, but 70??? That's what I'da considered an 'old fossil' when I was a kid!!!

So here's a tip for all of you who are younger than I am. Whatever else you do in your life, DON'T GET OLD!!!!!!! It ain't all it's cracked up to be and it damned sure ain't for cowards.

The comedian Gallegher once said, "God sure has a weird sense of humor. He gives you your whole youth to learn a whole buncha stuff that you can't do when you get older... but you don't find out about it until you try to do some of that stuff and end up going: "Oof! Damn! I can't do that shit any more!" Like running (hurrying) to the bathroom and hoping that it isn't as far away as it seems to be.

Well anyway. I ain't gonna die anyway. It's said that you can't take it with you, although yesterday I saw a hearse with a luggage rack so....

Catherine (The old bat) Linda Michel


Happy Birthday!

erin's picture

Cathy and I can talk for hours because we've lived through so much, even if at opposite ends of the country. :)

Happy Birthday, hon.

And since it's Tax Day, may I say, "Many Happy Returns!"


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Yeah, ain't it a blast!

BarbieLee's picture

Hugs Sis,
Getting to be a few mile markers back in the rear view mirror, huh? I wish you happiness and success as you pass that many more in your future. May He bless you, send His angels to guide you, and care for you.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Oh yeah.

I'm at that point where there are more miles on my odometer than are left on my waranty!


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg


happy birthday and amen to your blog.. ive got a few years on you but who expects to live this long. I'm grateful for it but you sure get wore out.


happy birthday

if you look at your age your not 70. your only 7. I had my 65th in Feb. enjoy your day.