Amadeus Irina ~ Part 20 -- Edits

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Hi All,

Anam Chara made me aware of a few boo-boos I made out of my naivete on all things musical vocabulary. While I can certainly hang 'ballet speak' with the best of them, when it comes to orchestra positions and such, I am more than a novice.

I have made some edits, thanks to Anam, and hope I have it right now.

Forgive me for my ignorance and I hope you continue to enjoy the story anyway! :)



Fiction and Mistakes

BarbieLee's picture

I look at mistakes in fictional story telling as a given. Writers here even as great as they are do NOT have a multimillionaire dollar publishing house behind them with dozens of proof readers and revision editors. Besides, who am I to critique anyone else. I failed English in college, twice. I can slay the Kings English better than anyone else I know.
Does anyone know a single person who has hit a home run every time they go to bat? Don't expect a perfect error free read or write because it is unrealistic. Whether one reads or writes, enjoy the story just as one would at a ball game where the pitches nor the batters are perfect. It's a game to be entertained.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

As mentioned things like that happen but usually not important

Errors that don't affect the core of the story can usually be ignored. Most of us are to ignorant to spot them anyway :)

If you were writing a dissertation it would be another matter.

If it makes you feel better I follow another series where I amuse myself by counting errors/improbabilities in each installment. No matter the number, the basic story isn't affected.

Barb: Does it count if you never have NOT batted a home run when playing baseball?

Home runs...

I know that mistakes are going to sneak in, but that doesn't mean I have to like them! LOL!

As for home runs... *I* have never hit one... As a matter of fact, I can't ever remember even hitting the ball! ;-)