Who here has not suffered from identity theft or bank fraud.

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Recently a co-worked had jury duty she showed up and was in a jury pool. Before the lawyers got to ask questions the Judge asked "has anyone here Suffered from Identity Theft, Credit Card Fraud, or Bank Fraud? Since it is So common the court will not be harsh if you do not admit it but please do." Well Only 3/4 of the potential Jury Panel raised there hand. The Defense Lawyer was mot happy with so few panel members being left and complained. That his client could not get a fair trial with so few people to draw from. the Judge said that if they could not get enough members for panel to seat the Jury that he would have more brought in. I actually wonder how many people that did not raise there hand stayed to try and exact some form of revenge on the defendant for wen in the past others had done the same to them.

My Co-worked was honest and raised her hand and left. She made it to work that day but was mad about the 4 hours of her day they waisted.
She started saying she should have stayed so that if they guy was found guilty she wanted to be able to issue the harshest penalty for the crime.



shadowsblade's picture

this is the one reason why I think --that at least in the USA we should go to a federal ID program

for banking--all transactions including home loans/ car loans // new credit cards being made
getting a drivers license
obtaining any government services
providing ID for employment

with a near forgery proof card and a internet system backing it that check it
all the credit card and ID fraud would vanish overnight!

example at the bank want to take out more than the ATM limit of say 500$??? you have to see teller and they run that card to 'see' if you are the owner of that money?
the system in now? a moron with a good fake drivers license can clean out my acct in minutes!

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

Check out the REAL ID law

Check out the REAL ID Law. It sets out the standards that state ID's have to meet. Many states are dragging their feet about implementing it.



Illinois is not dragging it's feet. Illinois is dragging the whole body.

We already have a federal id

We already have a federal id system in the US, it's called your Social Security number. It MUST be attached to your state id in order for you to enter any US military base in the country. Also, thanks to the morons in Congress, your ssn is NOT considered personal information, it is public information and therefore very easy for someone to get it and steal your identity. While Social Security Regulations state it may NOT be used as a general identity identifier, Congress passed a law that requires it and allows police and businesses to ask you for it. If you are like me, I refuse to give it even to the police, since SS Regulations clearly say it may only be used to collect taxes and distribute government benefits. Any other use of it constitutes identity fraud. But with the law conflicting with regulations, there is much confusion. So I only give it when government benefits/taxes are involved, sighting regulations all other times, even threatening to notify the Social Security Administration of ssn use fraud against them if they persist. That usually works for me. I

What most people don't know is that, in the US, it is relatively easy to get your social security number (federal id) changed, but it is almost impossible to get your driver's license number (state id) changed. All you need is a valid reason, such as being the victim/target of identity theft.

Also, in most states, if not all, you are required to present your birth certificate and social security card when applying for your state id or driver's license.

Unless the law was changed in the last five years, employers are NOT allowed to require your ssn when applying for a job, they are allowed to require it if/when they offer you employment, because they must collect taxes; although they will often tell you otherwise.

One thing I have learned over my 60 years and study of history is that when the federal (or any) government gets involved with something it becomes more costly, less secure, and they screw it up (mismanagement). They do NOT have anything resembling a decent track record.

I'm done ranting now, lol
Hope you all have a great day,

Erin of Wis <3

Sadly the government is not alone in that regard

MadTech01's picture

If you think about it everyone complains about government security breaches and demands accountability and there is some. But the private sector is just as bad if not far worse. I have seen so much mishandling of confidential information by big compainies in the name of profit it is disgusting far more than the government. And the people that cause the incident never go to jail or are really punished. You used to be able to sue a company for a grievance or wrong done to you but you can't anymore. All companies that provide any service put a mandatory use of arbitration in you contract and you are not aloud to join or start a class action lawsuit. They due this because arbitration with over a 90% success rate will come out on there side.

The difference between the government and companies is size only. and Some companies sze does rival the population of many small countries.

"Cortana is watching you!"

My only

sugar_britches63's picture

brush with identity theft happened just after my legal name change happened. It seems that the individual had got my old info and tried to use it to buy a car and got caught because I had changed my SS # to create a further break with my old ID. Believe me that was not easy and took my attorney boyfriend at the time to change. I was asked about my old ID and could prove I was no where in the area at the time. Needless to say the loan was denied due to info not lining up.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem

I had my Identity stolen

in 1973!
The thieves went to the trouble of making a fake passport in my name but with the photo of the perp.
I'm White but the thief was from Nigeria (prelude to the 419 scam perhaps) as such it was easy for me to prove that 'I was not me gov' to the Police.


Somebody stole my identity once. They brought it back the next day! Ba-rump, Ting!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Knock on wood!

Sadarsa's picture

I've not encountered ID theft yet. It's one of the reasons im so against facebook and the like. Putting you're picture, location and name out there for all the world to see is just stupid. Then compound it by talking to friends and relatives in a public forum, i mean you might as well just put your personal information on a neon sign in downtown singapore.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~