I just stumbled across a person by the name of Nick Pitera on youtube that does incredible singing in all the roles of whatever he sings (as male and female vocals). The individual parts are all seamlessly blended together. I will show you three of the better links I did watch and leave the rest for you to explore.
I hope you enjoy this person's talent as much as I did upon finding him.
Well he is good
Still very much falsetto but good. I have been honing my singing skills and female vocal quality is very hard to emulate and while he is close, it is not quite there imho.
Amazing range
I always envy those who can sing. I continued singing treble through puberty and wrecked my voice.
Excellent voice.
I'm a quiet fan of counter tenors and one of my favourites is the very rarely heard Handel opera 'The Choice of Hercules'. So I'm not surprised at the range Nick Pitera's voice.
It's certainly strange to see a very large (and very masculine) man sing a counter tenor role. It's easier to close your eyes :) It's obvious really because a counter tenor pitches his natural voice at the second harmonic (ie double the frequency or an octave higher) so his natural voice is actually quite deep.
Please give the Handel piece a try if you can. The aria "There the brisk sparkling nectar drain" is absolutely fantastic (at least I think so :) ) It's quite short.