Buying Thru Amazon

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I've been thinking about buying one or two stories that used to be here, but are now only available through Amazon.

The issue I'm having is that Amazon is asking for either credit cards or gift cards/promotional codes to buy them.

I have no credit card, so that's not possible. I've seen some gift cards, just wondering is there any other way to buy these books?

It seems quite odd that there's no option to pay directly from a site such as PayPal or something similar. At least, I haven't seen one.


do you

Maddy Bell's picture

Not have any sort of bank card? You certainly don't need a credit card - i've not got one but I buy constantly there using my debit card. How do you put money in and out of Paypal?


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Their gift cards are

Their gift cards are available in most large chain drugstores and department stores, if you don't have a debit card issued from your bank to use you can get one of those although you may end up buying a care for more than you need.

There is also a prepaid gift card from one of the major credit car companies like Visa that serves as a debit card that you can refill as needed.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Frank's picture

They will let you use your checking account to make payments.




erin's picture

If you have a Paypal account you can get a debit card to use.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Maddy, I do have a bank card that acts as a debit card, although I rarely use it that way. I transfer money from my account to PayPal when needed, then use some as needed to pay online costs, but I didn't see any option for PayPal available on Amazon earlier.

Ef, I didn't know about the gift cards being available in drugstores, I don't recall seeing them there, but I can check tomorrow or Thursday. I had a prepaid card a few years ago, but the service I wanted to use it for wouldn't accept it, so I cancelled the card.

Frank, my bank account is actually a combo checking/savings account, but I didn't see that option when I was on Amazon earlier either.

Erin, see my answer to Maddy.

Still uncertain

erin's picture

Uncertain what the problem is, most debit cards can be used as credit cards on Amazon. And as I said, you can get a debit card for Paypal that I know can be used as a credit card on Amazon. You don't use it as Paypal, you use it just like a credit card.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

As has already been stated......

D. Eden's picture

Most drug store chains (CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens, etc.) sell Amazon gift cards, right next to the restaurant and store cards.

Walmart and Target also carry them.

Depending on where you live, your store options will vary - but it is pretty much a given that you can find them in a store near you. They have to be activated at the register before using. Stay away from the preloaded Visa and MasterCard cards though, as they have a pretty hefty fee for buying them. Also, be careful of expiration dates as many cards start losing value after a specified amount of time.

Most drug store chains have them in front of the registers, as does Walmart; Target usually puts them near the greeting cards.



D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Pre-paid Credit Cards

I have two of these (Issued in the UK), one for USD and one for Euro. Neither charged for their issue.
So the aspect of charging does as I see it does depend upon where you are in the world.
As I see it, they make their money on the fact that you load them up before you spend the money. So you aren't and can't be in debt with them.

pre paid credit cards

most box stores have prepaid credit cards in $25 , $50 that you can buy and use anywhere this would work and leftover can be used for groceries to $0.00 out the card

If you have PayPal...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

You must have a bank account. I use my debit card. It says "Visa" on it and I use it as if it was a credit card. I've never had anyone turn it down because it was a debit card. I've heard that car rentals don't take debit cards, but then I never rent cars. I do know for a fact that Amazon will take it.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I have both credit and debit cards

and use which ever I want where an online sale asks for card details, depending on whether I want the additional protection (against non-delivery, bankruptcy of supplier etc.) allowed by credit card regulations. I have never had either refused where card details are asked for. In UK at least, the card number, start and finish dates, account name (occasionally sought) and security code (on back above signature) are all of same format. Some suppliers go through a routine where they ask for selected letters from a password, set up so long ago, I can't remember how it was done, (but I used the same password for both cards - not recommended I know). I don't know about other countries. PayPal makes direct debit withdrawals from my account, but to set it up, I initially had to give credit card details, which I have now replaced in their records by my debit card. And where the vendor has it set up, I have used PayPal for international (i.e.foreign currency) sales, including BC's hatbox appeals.
Best wishes


I picked up an Amazon gift card at a nearby drug store. Thanks, everyone.


Samantha Heart's picture

The gift cards need to be AMAZON gift cards but on an up note your debit card works just like a credit card no worries there. You enter the numbers like you would a debit card. PM me if you have future questions.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.