I read a story, think it was on Big Closet about a young man who is a dress designer, ends up work in an upscale dress shop in a mall and is slowly feminized. His mother is also a seamstress and he help her. Along with his BFF he dress as one of the female characters from Lord of the Rings for halloween, his boss dresses as Jessica Rabbit.
I remember the story, can't remember the name sadly.
The Lord of the Rings bit was for a mall-wide competition where the dress shop teamed with a comic book store and another one to win all three categories by having one large group representing them all at once I think?
A bit of creative googling has left me with 'Fashion Star by Paula D'?
I only skim read it quickly but it looks about right for what I remember at least.
Hope it helps.
try this one.
Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or . . .
Jessica Marie
check out Paula Dillon's stories
I am fairly sure it's there. just can't remember the exact title of the story.
Fashion Star by Paula Dillon.
Fashion Star by Paula Dillon. Be sure to check out her other works here as well!