The last competition entry of the year went in the post yesterday so I'm free to write fiction (I'm poetried out for a few months - I don't write long works but the distillation process is very draining).
We're going through one of our slow periods in work - everyone's too busy shipping out the summer bestsellers (they hope)to find problems with the computer system, so K and I are sitting on our hands for much of the time, trying not to make the office look too untidy.
As long as my manager is not looking over my shoulder I should be able to get some writing down. I've done this a bit just dropping copies onto my website that I can use at home and work, but there was a news item about Google Docs on television yesterday.
I've had a quick look at it, and it's not too bad, with some nice features for sharing documents allowing them to be read or edited. Given that we bounce stories back and forth with other authors before publishing them on BCTS it seems tailor made for some of us. Is anyone already using it?
Google Docs
Yes. I use it to synchronize work done at home with work done on laptops in coffee shops or on trips. Also, I use it to trade editing services with other writers and for some collaborating. It's not perfect but it's pretty good, and it's been getting better month by month.
Orignally, I was using some other similar service but Google bought the other company and merged it in. So I ended up with two Google Doc accounts because one came automatically with the Google Ads account.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I use it
I've tried a couple of online document writers, and finally settled at Google Docs.
I don't share my docs with anyone, and organizing things into folders is a bit clunky at the moment -- I think they'll make it easier, though. Many things have improved and gotten easier during the time I've been using it.
The ONLY thing I don't like is that I have to hand-code all my HTML into the documents. You *can* use the wysiwyg editor, but I don't like the HTML that it produces. There are too many tags, too many labels.
Aside from that, it's great. I need it because I have to be able to get to a single copy of my docs from wherever I am, and I don't like carrying a fob with me.
Google Docs Experience
I've used it a few times. The online editor is okay but is limited in features - especially if you are used to either Word or Open Office. However, you can upload documents created in either, let someone else download and work on it and then have them upload it again. Or, as Erin mentioned, you can upload a doc and then work on it from any pc with a web connection.
I think it would be a great tool for proofing and editing stories, particularly by multiple editors because they can all access the same story, see other edits and not fix the same error as someone else.
Google Docs?
Geez, I feel really blonde at the moment. I read the blog title and the first thing I thought was 'when did Google get Doctors?' Then I read further and wondered again, 'What doctors were they talking about?' Silly me, they weren't talking about doctors but documents...
(I think I'm going to have to go get some new hair color, the blonde doesn't look good on me. I prefer my natural Golden color) ;-)
It sort of worked for me
No problem with Google Docs I just need to get my head around writing in the office (aside from a few bits of code, and elaborately sarcastic email replies, my job isn't all that creative). Plenty of time to write today, and few distractions... we had one support call today, and a very simple request at that, which K snaffled while I was making a pot of tea... the boss is away all week so if it continues like this, and I buckle down, I could have a novel by Friday!