I am extremely cross that I've lost tonight's episode after taking two hours to write it. I think I'm going to have to do them on my own puter and paste them. I won't be doing a rewrite tonight. So much for f*cking technology!
A very pissed off,
What happened?
Was it a browser crash or what?
I know the feeling
It bites to loose all that typing, particularly when I am sooo bad at it.
Do watch the explitives, Ang. My character, Ginanna in Pen Pals Contiuum has a foul mouth at times. She does not need encouragement.
Maybe Bonzi could retype it for you?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Do what I do when somethng ticks/pisses me off, use it or even make a mockery of it in your own story.
John in Wauwatosa
That's so weird.
I did not want to worry anyone, but earlier today, my 18/yo + cat
fell off the desk onto the keyboard of my computer while my daughter
was using it.
The file for the story I had open got trashed to the tune of about
85-90 pages. I had other backups of the rough draft, but it's a loss
of about 30 percent, given that I seem to rewrite as I post!
All I can say is, I feel your pain. I told another author tonight, that
if it were not for the fact that I'm typing as fast as I can, I'd be in a
fetal position crying!
Don’t worry everyone, Tuesday’s post is already up, and Thursday’s
is pretty much reconstituted already! The good news is, that because
my memory for the story seems to be so good, I may not be able to edit
my own stuff, but I can definitely retype a lot of it out.
I am so sorry I've found that out!
That’s just weird though. The Karma chickens are swooping low tonight.
My Om has definitely shifted to an Oops.
Sorry, Angharad. I REALLY do feel your pain.
Sarah Lynn
Frequent backups or autosaves
as a godsend. Or at least a manual Save As but to two different names and eventually to differend media so that losing a drive or acccently errasing a passage doesn't wipe everything out.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Is the kitty okay? To hell with the computer file.
P.P.S. Help, my two 13 year old cats are holding me at gunpoint.
John in Wauwatosa
I mostly backup compulsively. This time, something weird happened
to make the file overwrite itself. Bye the time I got to the
computer, the timed backup function had overwritten the working
file multiple times.
It's funny, but one of the things I catch it over is the fact that
I seem to get along with animals pretty well. No matter who's pets
they are, they often like me more. I had chipmunks and squirrls that
would come to me to be fed, and as some of you know, we have birds
like Black Capped Chickadee's up here, that are tame enough to do
the same.
BC da Fleas has been a constant companion to me for over 18 years.
In the last two months he's had grand mal seizures. After he has one,
he seems better, but it seems like he's ready for another. It frightens
the children. Thomas O'mally Cat, and Basil the dog, don't like it much
better, sadly.
Overall, he seems to be fairly content, and very affectionate, save for
the fact that he cries all night. He's big, and he finds the few places
in the house where his howels echo. He can be heard by the neighbors.
I call him, and he comes to sit by my wife or I, and he purrs like crazy,
but he's just confused. We are too. We haven't gotten much sleep this
past year.
Sarah Lynn
Has he seen a vet?
Is there anything to be done to ease his symptoms? Is it a tumor. Is he in pain?
If he should fall from a height and land badly ...
It hurts to see anyone, human or animal aged and feeble.
Poor cat, Poor Sara Lynn. I'll make sure to give our cats Cally and Rusty some attention before I go to bed.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
He had a cat scan.
Sedating him was a hard decision, but they did look for
tumors. No gross pathology in evidence, perhaps some Plaque
formation. I checked the scans and saw that myself. In
an animal that old, not much to do, as even the diagnostics
pose an unacceptable risk.
Mostly he's happy, pain free, very affectionate, and just
a real good guy to have around. He's pretty good until
a few days befor an episode, and he jumps at any sharp noise.
Immediately after, he is very confused for about fifteen
minutes, and then he always goes and eats. he's fine.
As for sleep, I can do without that for as long as he's willing
to hang around. No problem.
Thank you for asking.
Sarah Lynn