Xmas Tune Acronym Quiz

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If you've been here a while, you'll know what this is all about.

For several years, I've run a "Christmas Tunes Acronym Quiz" through December, whereby I post up a spreadsheet containing acronyms of Christmas tunes, and The Internet attempts to solve them.

However, this year I thought I'd do things differently. The link below leads to an editable copy of the answers sheet - ready for you to download, hack to bits, then remove the answers prior to handing out to offline friends and family (so you can set them a more achievable target than all 160). Note: I do have several backups, and Google automatically creates an Undo history which survives saves, so if anything goes catastrophically wrong, the original's recoverable.

(If you want to do things the traditional way with an online question sheet to have a go at solving, let me know and I'll do the necessary...)

However, there's also a column headed "I know this!" tally, where you can put a 1 / i / I / | next to any tune you recognise (so over time a picture builds up of which are really well known, which are quite well known, which are obscure and which are virtually unknown), and a separate tab called "Additions", whereby you can add any of the hundreds of songs I've missed.

The only requirements are
(a) the song has to relate to either winter or Christmas (rather than just being an 'ordinary' song which happened to be Christmas Number 1 somewhere in the world - so E17's Stay Another Day and St. Winifred's School Choir's There's No One Quite Like Grandma are mercifully excluded - and no, I'm not linking to them - you're quite capable of subjecting yourselves to aural torture without me directing you!), and

(b) the song has to be reasonably well known (either by commercial release and/or a decent YouTube hit count) - so something penned by your Aunt Sally which has never been released commercially wouldn't be advisable to include.

Click on this text to find it.

(Oh, and apologies if you've noticed I haven't been reading / commenting as much as usual - I've been rather busy recently, both at work and at home [house hunting]) - hopefully over the festive break I'll be able to make time to catch up on the tales I'm behind on [e.g. Bailey's Jem, where I'm still at Ch. 160...])

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