I have an idea for a story, but it's not original. It builds on someone else's unfinished work, which has been untouched for years. I want to make some changes to the story line, but use characters and situations from the source. And yes, I would credit the author of the source material.
Is this a taboo, or something others have done before? If I thought the author would continue the work, I'd leave it alone. But I feel that it is "abandoned" and I want to salvage it, if that makes sense? Is this a bad idea, or should I pursue it?
Have you tried contacting the original author?
Or, if they're not available, then have you tried instead contacting the closest members you know of in the community to them? I'd recommend this first, especially if you intend for what you write to be considered as a legitimate continuation of the original work. Fanfic isn't so important, and even I've written a couple of pieces of such without getting permissions first, but it sounds more like your plan is to sort of pass the torch on to yourself, and that would benefit from making sure the OP is onboard as much as possible.
Melanie E.
Yeah... There's a fine line between fanfic and AU. In fanfic you wouldn't want to do anything like disrespect the canon and characters of a particular story. For example, and I'm just throwing this out there, you wouldn't want to kill off one of the main characters of the original work in your presumably "better" story/ending. That could upset the author of the original work after all.
And definitely ask the OP if they're onboard with it.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Writing in someone else's universe
I, too, have written much of a story following some others grand entry. That person has said they are writing a sequel but nothing has shown up in more than three years.
I, myself, can understand how that can come to pass as I have an unfinished story on this site which I was attempting to finish for a deceased friend. Some day I hope to be able to do so.
I, in the above case, have sent e-mails to the several addresses I have for the individual who has not returned a reply to my correspondence. There could be a number of reasons for this including not remembering the passwords for their e-mail accounts having relied on the storage of their computer to fill that in for them. The failure of the computer could, inconveniently, have erased those passwords, thus.......
I know the person has been on the site in the recent past (1 year) and have sent a PM to them via the site but still have had no reply. As it now stands, I have a partially written story which will not be shared despite giving credit to the author of the original story. Call it professional courtesy, if you will. I know I would not care for someone to pick up and continue a storyline (even a new story) without contacting me first. Story material is essentially copyrighted with the characters belonging to the author who created the universe, however minor. More especially, the material is copyrighted if the author places a statement of copyright in their story. I understand that many do not do so but, for myself, I tend to prefer to err in favor of the original author.
By all means if you are so driven, write your sequel of the story you have found to be of such interest that you must produce what you feel is a logical continuation as did I for what is probably another worthy story but, for myself, I would not publish it if I could not obtain permission of the original author. Just an extension of my own feelings about someone writing in the universe and with the characters I created.
God Bless,
PS. (edit) I have found that if I do not write material, even if it is not to be published, which has poured into my head from some as yet undetermined source, that I have great difficulty moving on to produce other material. By writing that material, even if I know it will not be posted or published, I clear any blockage and am free to move on to the creation of other stories which I can, then, publish or post.
We could instigate a form of 'Living Will' for stories posted on this site.
None of us know if we are going to be here tomorrow let along next month or next year.
I propose a place where we can say what you want to happen to your stories in the event of your passing or simply not coming here for a defined period of time. With that documented, any issues about copyright should be avoided.
Building on other's work.
I think that adding to a larger canon, such as the star trek fanfic that I have in mind, is perfectly acceptable. I particularly like it when these offerings add a dimension that is unexplored. Perhaps it's a universal lack of characters in these paradigmes, who are forced because of some inner misalignment, to struggle with even the simplest things that most people take for granted, like the way that they approach a relationship with someone they love. Not just weather they like each other, but how to move the relationship to an orientation that satisfies that need, instead of just teasing it by simply missing the mark by some five or ten degrees to the left or right.
For instance, some many years ago, I found Xena alternative sites on the internet. Then I found some regarding Janeway and Seven of Nine stories. And... I was astonished by how much of themselves the authors poured into theses and stories like them. I found lines and paragraphs in them that inspired me, and astonished me; and, for the first time I can remember (perhaps due to my own maturity.), I recognized the efforts on the part of the author to make that story perfect. The perfect time, in the mind's eye and in the heart, for the character to reach out and slip her hand into another's, or the point at which, no matter how noble the intention, that keeping silent just exceeds the limits of human endurance. I can only say, that although I've read great stories my whole life, and ones that were equally inspiring, I think that it was stories like those with their pursuit of perfection that inspired me to write my own.
I have to mention an author Sarah Bayen here. There were one liners in her stories, that inspired me as much as anything else.
There have been many stories, likewise, that I thought could have been better. The author lets the tension go too long, or teases one time too many; or, they simply miss an aspect of a character or a plot, that seems so obvious to me. It kills the story, at worst, but too often renders it much less pleasing. The thought that My perfect story can never be the same as that author's perfect story, is little consolation, when something inside you is screaming: 'why didn't you just kiss her?'
But: Your perfect story, is not theirs.
I think that there are many authors here who would say, that once you've done your due diligence, that creating a separate story line based on another author's work is okay. I don't think it is, and I think that's a matter of size. A universe of many stories and contributors is fair game. A single story that the author may have intended to finish is not. However it can still be an inspiration.
Now, I will never say that I think I can do better than most of the authors I've read. A few... Yeah, they suck, and I could kick their arses, but for the most part, all those other stories are just different than how I'd have done it; and, they contain no more errors than I make when writing my own.. If you are inspired by a story, then by all means credit the source of the basic idea, but do not miss the opportunity of creating a story that is your own. It's a lot more work, but it's still your very best chance to create a more perfect story for you.
An example of what I did
I read One Small Mistake on Fictionmania and couldn't resist writing It Was His Mistake… So Why Am I Dressed Like This? I couldn't contact the author so I posted it first on Fictionmania then later here,
Rachel eventually read it and approved of it.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Thank you for the comments
This has been very useful. I do plan on emailing the author's last known address and see what happens.
If it helps, I'm doing a "retcon" more than a continuation. I liked the premise, and much of the plot. But I also wanted to change some major plot concepts, and introduce some things that would change the plot in some ways. Think Battlestar Galactica.
And I will credit the original source material and author, no matter what.
Again, you've all been helpful :)
Fashion Beast
My blog
Seems to Me...
...that a retcon falls closer to "inspired by..." than "a continuation of...". It my be more acceptable to the original author, and it may well stand on its own with different character and location names if need be.
You are thinking the same way
You are thinking the same way as I am.
Fashion Beast
My blog
If anyone wants to build on or do something with Athena's Wisdom, PM me. While I highly doubt anyone would want to, I really don't have any problem with it. They weren't very good.
~And so it goes...