Advice request for writing an Aunt Jane's Seasons House story

Hi everyone! I was just hoping for some feedback on adding a story to Aunt Jane's Season's House universe.

After a bit of deliberation, I decided to try reading Joel Lawrence's "Seasons of Change". Although there were parts of the story I didn't find comfortable, I plot and characters still drew me in. Feeling just a bit unsure how exactly I felt about about the story, I decided to try reading Tigger's A Second Season, which appears to be a continuation of Joel's story. After reading that, I felt I could better understand the motives of Aunt Jane, as well as some of the others, and decided this was a lot different than I had been expecting.

I've read eight of Tigger's stories about Aunt Jane's Seasons House, and I'm starting to get the germ of an idea for my own story. One of the big problems I have is I don't know how to contact the original creator of this world, Joel Lawrence. Does anyone happen to have his e-mail address? I hope he's still available so I can get permission to contribute to this unique universe.

If I manage to get permission, the next big issue would be trying to make sure what I write dovetails neatly with (or at least doesn't blatantly contradict) what others have written. I've been thinking of writing about Aunt Jane's early years while she was a teacher at Eastmore. Has there been any stories written in this setting before she moved into the mansion? Have the names of any of her students there been established? Is there a list of Aunt Jane's student names?

Are there any other suggestions or advice anyone would like to offer about writing a story in this universe?