Have you seen in Daily Mail and the Sun the story of the boy forced to be a girl and now lives as a the boy he want to be with father after courts stepped in mothers tried to have him femmine in dress make up ect.Why don't know fact as strange as fiction?
Had it only been those two sources I'd have dismissed the story for been as fictitious as the rest of their content.
Radio Cressar - not available on FM
the Daily Mail and The Sun often tend to have extreme views, the case was heard in the in the High Court, the case was about a minor and the child's identity would be protected but while the proceedings might not be public record the findings would be.
As the reports in the afore mentioned publications prove.
4 sources that don't cite each other, the rest refer back to either the mirror or the guardian for the original source.
To be honest the mail and mirror were pretty even handed when compared to the guardian and 'Breitbart' which I'd never heard of before but find quite offensive just from the way they laid the story out if nothing else honestly.
What do you think the odds are that his sudden interest in 'masculine' things is at least partly egged on by the father to help 'fix' him?
Poor kid for being stuck in the middle of all this but I'm not sure he's in much of a better situation now then he was before sadly, from the way the story seems to read he was comfortable as a girl until things kicked off, even if it was enforced by his mother for potentially wrong reasons.
But was the
child comfortable as a girl until things kicked off?
The mother's enforcement began at around age 4, I say this with the attempt of being devils advocate, surely it could be argued that the child did what mom said and didn't know any different, while the medical specialists/social services services took the mothers POV.
The school obviously saw problems as the report (in the Mail) states that they raised concerns but were over ruled by the medical specialists/social services.
A valid point.
There's no real way to tell with the information available, I read it that whenever questioned on it all the kid didn't seem distressed because the situation was flagged multiple times by different people but after investigation from several local authority's it wasn't considered a threat to his welfare.
This could be a case of the authority's being lax (it happens a lot sadly) or a pre-disposition to not questioning trans situations with children for fear of a backlash if they deny the parent, but the child is so young and there's not enough details judge it all properly.
There's no real way to tell, for all we know the kid could have confessed to his mother but then backed down as soon as he got a negative reaction from the father, I know adults that have had similar reactions when it comes to publicly 'coming out' in the past so it would be completely understandable from a younger child.
On the other hand the mothers actions don't exactly sound stable and there's a fair bit of evidence that if nothing else she was trying to push him in a certain direction with positive reinforcement.
In the end it's just tragic that the kid ended up caught up in the middle of this and it's been splashed on the news so much.
Imagine growing up knowing, even if he's a bit young to directly remember it all, that it came out so publicly and the father is likely to be hyper-critical about gender roles as he grows up too.
It's kind of annoying how the judge seems to define the way he's jumped into 'masculine' things by his enjoyment of the pretty much unisex spongebob series and the once near universally loved power rangers show.
My female cousin was the one who got me into watching power rangers as a kid and then she got annoyed when I wanted to be Kimberly when we played afterwards because that was her favorite too.
While I'd hesitate to defend the mother in anyway, it still feels like the court's response is very black and white with no acceptance of a potential grey area while moving with a heavy bias towards 'boy does boy things so is boy' logic.
was the child comfortable as a girl?
in the original article i read, it said that the child was removed against the mother and childs wishs. this does NOT mean she hadnt "brainwashed" the child though.
what i dont understand is why counseling wasnt mandated? what right does this JUDGE have to say this child, is or isnt, trans? none. there are schools here who would claim the same thing against a true trans child, so i dont give those kinds of claims credence much.
most of these articles have in common the fact that NOT ENOUGH information is available to make any kind of real determination, so unless there WAS counseling, and it just wasnt mentioned, it was an over reach on the judge's part. maybe someone got a payday? dont get me wrong, if the mother WAS doing this against the childs wishes, thats one thing, but even after he has "adjusted back to a boy" he still is having issues with his genitals, GET HIM COUNSELING, how hard is that. but i tend to err on the side of caution.
on him resuming his childhood, could the father be "bribing" him? good things for acting like a boy, bad for not? we dont know. i notice they continually mention a "partner" is he gay? or bi? is the partner male? is he one of those gay men who think trans are not real? too many unanswered questions.
FYI Brietbart is an extreme right wing rag (the original founder actually did good, decent work, since he died, its now just a typical tilted rag)
Teresa L.
Breitbart is not a trustworthy source. They exist somewhere to the extreme right of the teaparty conservatives. Everything I've seen from them has been warped to fit their outlook. If Obama tackled a purse snatcher they'd headline it "Obama Assaults Pedestrian, Knocks Man Down In Broad Daylight". They had Trump as winner of the debate before it was half over. When everbody else's polls show Clinton widening her lead over Trump, and Trump is saying the polls show him winning, he is quoting Breitbart.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Not that uncommon perhaps
It happened to me but was stopped by the time I was 4. I liked it. My stepfather was so brutal and abusive that I never identified with men. Went back to living as a woman in 2004.
oh great, just what we need
judging by what little they have given, the kid may have been gender neutral or gender fluid, but this gung ho mother abused her son. Now anti trans pundits are going to be citing this as 'proof' that trans kids don't exist. Just one more problem to face because of an asshole parent who has clear psychological issues herself and abused her poor son.
No fault
Anti-trans bigots will use the existence of trans* people as PROOF that such people do not exist. Logic is not what they are operating on. I've heard it done.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Other sources
A child support charity that specialises in trans children has actually been working with the girl for three years, as have social workers and shrinks. They have all been happy with her gender identification. The judge's comments are utter tripe (since when does liking SpongeBob make one masculine?) and the whole thing reeks of 'sorting out a sissy' during a nasty divorce.
The report
states that the school raised questions, if the child was segregated from the pier group outside of school, and the mother stayed single to avoid unwanted questions.
on the segregation if outside school s/he only has the choice of female gender specific clothing, games and toys, the mother can truthfully say there are no issues, however this creation of environment to control the results.
That being said there are too many details not covered, and questions that need answering before informed opinions can be made, I am left at present with thoughts of the American child that was injured during his briss, and some quack talked the parents into raising him as a girl.......
To be succinct it is the long term ramifications that matter more.
Here's another
While the bulk of the article is an attack on a rather unpleasant group of people, it is worth scrolling down to see what Mermaids have to say. They are the charity that works with trans children.
Well if dad playing games and
Well if dad playing games and the kid is trans the kid later on will go with what he or she wants I tried stopping it full time since03 so if he a he or she and dad playing game that wont work in the long term