Oh well, all good things must come to an end so it's back to the grind and colder weather. I can't believe that two days ago I was struggling with the heat as I tramped around El Hondo, a nature reserve outside Elche near Alicante. Now it's catch up time, do washing and other chores ready for work tomorrow. The latter is becoming increasingly difficult to psyche myself up to do, especially when there are things I'd prefer doing like chasing dormice or watching birds. However, going on holiday is definitely a luxury that my working pays for. So here I am counting my itchy mozzie bites while deciding what to do next on the list of jobs.
One of those later on will be to complete the episode of Bike I began last night but fell asleep while writing - my eyes closed for just a second - okay half an hour so I went to bed and zonked.
One little anecdote before I show you two pictures of the signs on the toilets at El Hondo, which tickled my fancy. Annie and I were on our way back to the airport at Alicante using her sat nav which took us down all sorts of backroads, me lamenting that although I'd seen hoopoe, she hadn't. We turned down a narrow lane and round a sharp corner and nearly ran over one of the said birds, which is probably now in therapy for PTSD after such a narrow escape. In the bird watching world such stories are plentiful, like me missing seeing a Montague's harrier on Saturday by a couple of minutes.
Back to the loos - enjoy the pictures.
Or semi retirement has always been a double edged sword, you can always find more to do than the hours - and finances allow.
I've just got back myself from a trip and i've got itchy feet already - less than a day later! It's @ 8 weeks until I go travelling again, I can't wait, work would just get in the way of life!
Glad you had a good trip Ang, Spains not for me, too hot and too many Brits! I'll nurse my cold now
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Welcome back to the cold weather then ;)
Us poor people being stuck here sometimes enjoy work anyway and the rooms where my new job is located at where suprisingly not as chilly as I thought :)
I hope you're not grinding stones too much and have a bit time for your joyous activities left.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
Gulls And Buoys
The Cumberland Arms in Tynemouth can pose quite a problem for anyone who walks from the Metro station to the top of the cliff and decides to drink their way back along Front Street, being the last port of call before they stagger home.
The pictures on the doors, which I'm afraid aren't very clear in this photo, represent 'gulls' and 'buoys'. Working that out after a decent session, even when you've been to the pub before, is no easy task.