Just read this near-future time travel novel again. I'd forgotten how good it was -- one of the best stories on the site, IMO.
So I wanted to call it to people's attention. The final chapter (from early 2014) has 2000 reads and 73 kudos, so it's not exactly unknown, but I don't think I've ever seen it referenced, and since it was posted in 10 parts it won't show up in the Random Solos.
Thank you for mentioning this
Glad you found this story; read & bookmarked. What happened to Thliwent? S/he was planning on writing something else, but I only found this one story.
I second that
Eric thank you for mentioning Thliwent's Going There and Back Again, I'm sure I had read it before but I enjoyed rereading it this time.
I am now trying to remember if there are any others that are similar.
It did remind me of a story by Terry Volkirch called Return of the Queen