Does anyone know where Julie O has been? It's well over 1 1/2 years since she posted anything. I know other readers are worried about her. I realize that the loss of Bob Arnold shook all of us but it hit her hard. If anyone has any idea, please let us know.
Julie, you are in our thoughts.
Last known contact in July 2015
She may be logging in every so often though, as was previously observed earlier this year:
Last Login Info
I believe the last login approach is flawed because of the way the system handles missing last login information. Apparently if there is no last login information for someone it will substitute the information of their own last login.
Try bringing up the JulieO info in one window and your own last login in a second window and compare the results.
Michelle B
...It doesn't matter whether or not the other person has signed in recently. I've just checked ten names on the front page, including at least two in the "signed on" list, and they all show 09/08/16 6:20 am. (I assume persistent logins are the reason it's claiming I've been signed in continuously since then.)
To the best of my knowledge -- though I'm not an admin, here or elsewhere -- there's no way at least in the public information here to know the last time someone signed in. (Until a few months ago, I thought the track page was useful for that. But it's not; it's updated whether the person is here or not -- even if she's deceased.)
She does post
But not here.
She last posted a story on fictionmania this year.
Unless you're seeing something I'm not, the newest story she has written is Correction, which was written in April 2014. It was posted here and at Fictionmania within a day of each other.
Oops you're right