It seems the BCTS mainroom chat is somehow broken again. So, I believe many readers here might like another way to get to chat with their friends and help has arrived.
I reactivated the Narda java chat again. It's available here:
Please note, you will need a java capable webbrowser with the java plugin installed.
still has issues
still has issues
my security went bonkers on that site!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Yes, I can imagine it might.
Yes, I can imagine it might. Like I said, I resurrected that site, it hasn't been updated for at least 5 years now. All I can say, it's not spreading malware. We make sure of that. As for old Java versions being a security risk? Yes, that is most certainly true.
We're working on a better more modern solution, but for the time being, that's the only solution I have.
Sorry about that.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
CyberBrats/BigCloset/Ajax Web Chat
I will get the CyberBrats/BigCloset Web-Chat back online asap. I've been wrangling several servers and it's taking time to get to tertiary needs. -HuGs-
Invalid Certificate.
I went to your site. It told me my java was out of date and required me to upgrade.
So I upgraded and now java won't allow your applet to run because the certificate is too old or in the future...
Thanks anyways.