
Womanhood, a denied state. It tears at you every single criying day. You think that in the tenuous refuge, the garbage collector of missing thoughts, that once you caught a glimpse, a most complete illusion of a satisfactory place. Alas it was as well gone, right before it proved to real or false.

And no matter what crude approximation laser surgery or other fancy hijink the doctor has in his sculpting hand, deadened flesh is all they can.

There is this recurring fanasy of a faraway land where you were born a woman and all. Peace, a sensation, that most soothing calming thing, a forbidden fruit guarded by a jealous and angry god, it would be a royal ticket to paradise.

And answers?

I can always draw up a little drug, a little balm that for a little while will make you feel compeltely fullfilled. But then comes the price.

You can think, black long hair, a presence, globulous masses hanging form your chest. A fold, a body and a handsome man behind you.

And this man knows about you and accepts you and cares for you and cherish you and EVERYTING.

He understand it so much that even if you did not look as you looked, in fact even if you looked a hundred percent man, he would treat you as woman, sincerely.

He would still tell you, hello sweetie, and smile at you and call you his precious, and never ever leave you. You know the whole nine yards. What is the point of of the other details? Everybody knows them and they don't matter, because most important of all, you could look him in the eye and you would know that he loves you, that he considers you his one special flower.

It tears me up, it really fucking tears at me. Becasue it it not real! It this maddening parasite, that pesters the hobgobled mind!

No more! I condemn it, my pathetic and floundering imagination for not allowing me to retireve into it, and live forever in the land of nod. You should too!

For this mind, for being such a awful and cruel master and not giving up, insistitng on pooping the party with the retorting thought, the remainder of the dream's fictionality.

If only my brain would snuffle itself out, stop existing, like a bullet to the head and finally say "You know what I don't' care. If this is it or not, if it is happenning or not, outisde, inside, all the same! Just be happy! Enjoy you fucking life!

And you know what. I do not see what is special about the real world, if it such a awful place to begin with. No pleas and no excuse will convince that it is worth it.

I think that only the one who is happy and whole can honestly say that, and so his judment is worthless. On the other hand those unhappy and unwhole, will say it out of desperation, sheer denial.

The truth thus stand as this, until the day that science can allows us to fully realize our desires uterus and all, we all will be unhappy.

My only advice then: live long.