Hi All
I am looking for a story. Its a few years old and starts with a boy who looks a lot like his sister. He ends up singing for her or in a play or something. (I think it was also a children hospital)
Anyway, a comedy of errors later most of the school thinks he is a girl.
I remember reading most of it but I never finished the story
Sounds like one by the late Angel O'Hare
I can't remember the title but I remember one by Angel look under Angel's name here under authors or in Crystal's Story book under the same
That sounds a lot like
That sounds a lot like Roberta Cabot's Danny. http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/14774/danny
But I'll keep looking, since it sounds very familiar.
Erin of Wis <3
Is it perhaps Tels-Belle?
Hugs Talia
Could Be
Megan Campbell's series 'Sarah Carerra'.
Has singing, both armature and professional, the 'Anyway, a comedy of errors later most of the school thinks he is a girl.' is in there also.
Begins with protagonists two best friends entering him/her into karaoke contest at a class mates birthday party.
There was another story I read recently [the important part is 'I read recently'] can't remember posting date, where the main character is persuaded to take sisters place on the stage (WESTEND/BROARDWAY Musicals) when she is ill, and his/her career then takes off.
I used to have this.
I know the story your looking for(I think). Faternal Twins. The boy is quiet and feminne and the girl is very outgoing and a unruly. she breaks a promise to show up for a fitting for a school play and going fishing with dad instead. The mother speaking with the director and they rope the boy into filling in for her. He fills the role and the dress better than his sister. All the ladies there get in on makeing him over so he can star in the play. his delicate nature is discused and his femine body. mother is urged to take him to new doctor for second option on his slow development. The sister is in huge trouble when she gets home and the boy stays dressed as a girl for the play. Gets a girlfriend and after seeing a doctor, has his ruined testies removed and begins to transition. he is much happier and popular.
I used to read this a lot. Now I cannot find it. I have looked over several thousand stories since yesterday on here, stardust and fictionmania. It's kind of pissing me off that I can't find it. If this is the story that your looking for, I am sorry I could not find it for us.
Jessica Marie
Still can't find it.
Sorry but I still cannot find that story. I have done every search that I could think of and I have checked every single one of my bookmarks. I'm throwing in the towel on this one.
Sorry again
Jessica Marie
Belle of the ball by tels is
Belle of the ball by tels is a very likely candidate for you the only problem is it needs more of an ending.
Found the one I was looking for
Thanks to another user here remembering the author and title, I was able to find the story on a different site. Here is the link.
Enjoy. I hope this is the one you were thinking about.
Jessica Marie