I'm stuck at home this week recovering from my accident. I'm doing a lot better and I'm off the pain pills for the most part. I only need 1 a day now generally. I enjoy the time off from work but I'm so bored. I can't go anywhere because I have no car now. I have gone for walks but I still get tired fast. I tryed taking my dog for a walk but her pulling me around aggravated my neck. the real bad part about this is that I'm trying to work on a story and I can't get anywhere on it. I need to get back to work and be around people. I'm a lot more creative when I'm around people. When I'm at home it's like my brain shuts down. I'm like a bear in it's cave, I just want to hybernate. Oh well. I'll be back to work on monday night and maybe I'll get some of my story done. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it.
I did three months of it back in 2002 - my family 200 miles away, all my friends in work - waiting on a neurologist's appointment, then an MRI, and then, after the radiologist had told me there was 'something' on my brain, but he wasn't qualified to say what it was, another two weeks waiting for my neurologist to come back off holiday (when he told me it was MS I almost kissed him... you can think up all manner of brain conditions when you're alone for a fortnight). I could do nothing for the whole three months, I couldn't even read as I had intermittent paralysis in my hands, and if I remained in the same position for more than a few minutes my balance would start making me feel like I was sitting on a rollercoaster. I was ever so slightly strange when I returned to human company :)
OTOH I wrote my first story when I was home alone, but it was written to take my mind off a dental abscess that was rampaging along my upper jaw.