New Age First Knight?

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Okay. The recent limerick thread caused me to respond in kind. But it gave me 2 ideas for twisted Arthurian tales... one set in modern times in the US... and the other set in the standard Arthur setting of Camelot, of course with all the twists and turns I can manage.

Would anyone be interested in one (or maybe even both) of those at some point? I mean, I have a LOT of irons in the fire so couldn't promise delivery by a certain day or such, but if I were to produce such a work... would it be received as anything more than just another distractingly annoying submittal?


Stories and Ideas

erin's picture

Some writers always get attention to their efforts. :) I'm sure your many fans will look forward to those stories.

That said, and as one who has an incredible number of irons in the fire, ideas sometimes come faster than anyone, even a dynamo like you, can act on them. Write the stories YOU want to write.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Once a King ..............

........ Always a King,
But once a Knight is enough .......... Boom Boom

Always up for an Arthurian tale this lass ............ Huuuummmm Clive Owen yummy (ooeer Clive in a skirt ....... NO save us)



what about?....... Augh!

More Irons in the fire? I'm still waiting for the promised Sk8r Grrls.

I like Arthurian tales as much as the next person. modern or medieval, I just want my sk8r grrls.


I like the idea

And I loved the limericks, but do you think you have the room for another literary houseguest? I have a ton of ideas for stories that would be great to write and read too, but if I started every one I'd never finish any, that's why I started my 'Stories that need Writin' thread.

Melanie E.