I'm looking for a story with girl-dressed-as-boy in a Napoleonic Wars AU. The sad thing is that for the death of me I can't even remember if I read it here or at the forced feminisation site.
I remember originally finding it under the FtM tag. But now I can't find it again :(
The story was set in a sort of Napoleonic Wars setting and involved a 15 year old girl dressing as her coward brother (who declined the call up) and going to war as a subaltern for God, King and Country. With disastrous results. Short yet IMO very nicely written, with a good grasp of warfare at that time. I really regret not having bookmarked it.
FTM Tags
I don't know the story, but thanks to google, here is the FTM categories:
Female To Male
Thank you
Thank you.
It was a one-off, if this helps anybody's memory ...
Here it is
Non sum qualis eram
The power of search engines
Well, taking the information you gave me, I ran a search for "+brother +war +place" and then took the subset that were tagged with "Female to Male". I found Bravery of the Nameless by Arcie Emm. Seems to tick off all the details you mentioned. Worth reading anyhow if it isn't the story you're looking for.
Thank you good people!
Thank you good people!
You are so much smarter in using the search engine than I am!
Hugs and kisses to you all!