Projectile Vomit

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Two words that say it all when it comes to excuses for missing the Dear Diary entry tonight.



I think that sums it up.

You have such a way with words Edeyn.

I might miss just to see what happens

Lady E

There's An Australian Team

joannebarbarella's picture

That's world champions in projectile vomiting. you could always join them :-)
Seriously, hope you're better soon,

To the point

Edeyn your explanation was clear and to the point. It illustrated precisely why there wasn't another chapter of Dear Diary prepared for our morning viewing. Thank you so much for alerting us, your loyal readers.
Thank you

PS: Hope it's nothing serious and you feel better soon! :)

to paraphrase Jinksy the Cat

laika's picture

(Hanna Barbera circa 1960): "I HATE EMESIS TO PIECES!"

...get well Edeyn and don't sweat "deadlines"
on what should primarily be a source of fun.
You could always invent some reason why
Courtney missed an entry & incorporate
it into the story...
~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

get well soon

I hope it's something that passes quickly, like food poisoning, and not something that lingers, like satanic possession.

I can't believe you...

... equate your diary entries with such a pair of words...


P.S. if it's you, you were describing, get well really quick... Been there, and it's NO fun.