New Glasses

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2016-06-26 14.29.31.jpg

When I got new glasses last month, I decided to do something I've wanted to for years. I got myself a pair of girly glasses. (Pictured above.) When I go out as me, which I do often, it helps people recognize that I'm feminine.

I've been wearing them around the house so much my wife has gotten completely used to seeing them on me. So much so, when I left for church this morning I was wearing them and she didn't even notice. Fortunately, my cataract surgery left me with good enough reading vision that I don't really need glasses unless the light isn't good or the print is really small, so I've been doing without. Before she noticed, I took them off while still in the car.

I'm going to have to watch that. While the pastoral staff is mostly aware of my gender variance, the vast majority of the congregation is not. I doubt that pastor would appreciate me showing up with "in your face" women's glasses on. Though for me, it'd be a hoot. ;o)

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