Progression of Courtney's Diary

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Now, I had originally not planned on this series. But, as folks seem to like it, it'll continue. How it continues, however...

Okay, I will endeavour to post one entry per day. The question I have for folks is do they want this 1 per day to be the standard or an "at least" situation?

That is, if I do more than one in a day, will it detract from the story for folks? Posting multiple parts of a story in one day pushes all but the most recently posted down the page, beyond (below) the fold. This would require folks to open the latest, then click on the first one unread in the book outline to get the entries in order.

However, the up side of that is that it would progress the story faster.

I really am willing to do it either way, I'd just like to know how folks would prefer it!



laika's picture

Though I haven't commented every day, I've found yer diary piece to be a whole lot of fun.
I noticed on the one day you posted three of Courtney's entries I almost missed a couple,
so I would prefer getting them one per day. Also the waiting seems to add a certain
chronological realism to the story's progression.

But if you did feel inspired to write more than one entry per day, could you perhaps double them up, that is have both dates contained within the same story chapter?
Seperated by some kind of little

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

or something? Just an idea...
~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Missed one :P

The day I did multiples, there were 4, not 3. Heh.

What she said

I feel the same as Laika (and I am *not* Roger Ustinov!).


Peter Ustinov then?

I feel the same as kaleigh does about how Laika feels.


Lady E

MultiPart Story Naming Conventions

This series has me occasionally flummoxed as it is, as there aren't part numbers in the titles, and I can't remember if I opened the one staring me in the face or not. I'm going to second Roger's  Laika's suggestion.


Every entry is DATED instead of parted. If you click on the latest entry, it lists them in chronological order to the right in the book outline.

Yeah, but...

Seems the most recent one is just "dear Diary"... Or that's been the case occasionally. Do you "rename"?

Yes, But Not In The Title

Disclaimer: I am not asking that anything be done about this, or suggesting that anything is untenable. I am just continuing what I hope is a harmless whinge, purely for the sake of collegial banter.

The title of each and every episode, when you first post it on the front page, is "Dear Diary". Period.

As I have managed to read each and every episode so far, obviously I have discovered both the book outline and the author's page, as well as the prev/next links at the bottom of each episode/chapter/part. And, it's clear that you go back and retitle the public titles with the date as you add new ones.

But, that wasn't what my message was whining about. The initial front-page titles are confusingly all the exact same.

The following continuation of the previous paragraph is only for computer geeks, and should be ignored by everyone else:

...As are the filenames and embedded titles in the URLS. The url for each, in the address bar of the browser, is of the form ".../fiction/nnnn/dear-diary", where the 4-digit non-sequential number nnnn is the only thing that varies between episodes. So, looking in the address bar doesn't tell you which episode you're looking at, either.

It does if you're good with numbers

and the titles are all renamed as soon as the next one is ABOUT to be posted. Meaning there will ever only be a single "title" that's Dear Diary. Even when I posted 4 in one day (which happened only once), as I was about to post each new part, I renamed the prior, first.

So there would never be a REASON to look at just the address bar -- the stories are all titled differently. And frankly, if you had the story open -- which to have it in the address bar would be NECESSARY -- the date is at the top of EVERY entry.


I think this might come into play if someone was downloading the episodes to their local disk before reading, what with all the episodes having the same name and all. Not certain, as I haven't tried it.

I thought i'd comment since

I thought i'd comment since i never had any problems following your story (except the first days when they were listed in the wrong order). When i've read a part of a multi-part story i usually save the link in a file on my computer. Then when i see a new part posted i follow the saved link and reread the last few paragraphs (to refreshen my memory) before continuing with the new part. That way i don't have to worry about missing anything even if it goes several days without me checking the front page (rare, but it happens). So for me it doesn't matter how you choose to post your story, but i'd prefer for you to post as much and as fast as possible =)

One a Day

... brand multiple pages. Once already I've been confusaled by several on a day. If you want to combine 2-3 diary pages into a single post - that's Okay by me. :-)

My preferences anyway.


Go as your muse dictates

It might be confusing, I can't say for sure but muses do as muses will.

Post as you see fit.

I recently posted a chapter 10.5

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa