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I need to talk to a list of 5:

  • Cathy Michel
  • Anistasia Allread
  • Kaleigh Way
  • Angharad Bonzifeeder
  • Laika Pupkino

Please contact me as soon as possible, preferably in a way that is conducive to real-time conversation -- chat or phone or Skype or something. Thank you! Those that are struck out have already talked to me!


Good People of Big Closet

laika's picture

Edeyn has just informed me of a wonderful line of household products called AMWAY.
One of our six representatives will be contacting each of you shortly.
It's a great deal that I am sure you will all be thrilled with!
~~~hugs, LAIKA

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)

Only 2 things I can say to that

Frank's picture

1) So that's why she didn't just PM the people, make others curious to draw interest..





Sure thing

Just stop by the next Tupperware party!


* * * * * * * *
Change We Can Believe In - Barack Obama

Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss

Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Given that this is BC ...

Is it one of those parties for *adult sexual aids* that are supposed to be quite the thing nowdays, the Tupperware Parties of the 21st century?

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. The danger of too little info and too much time on one's hands.

John in Wauwatosa

A Dark and Stormy Night

Just peeked at the linked story. Judging by the first couple paragraphs, it appears to be truly and fabulously, excruciatingly, awful.

Has it won any prizes? I vaguely remember some competitions for intentional story awfulness.

Mein Got!

You got through two paragraphs? I barely made it through the first before breaking down laughing.

Note: If the author of said story should read this, I deeply apologize if I may have offended you.

Melanie E.