Saddest picture of the day?

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Does this just make you want to cry?

Rescue me Elmo

Rescue me Elmo. A new children's toy if he isn't picked up by the garbagemen.


I have always found stuffed animals in the dumpster depressing

The child who lost that toy may have had it involuntarily thrown away because it is 'filthy' or they have lost interest as they have grown up. Stuffed animals are especially intimate as toys go and to me it is like throwing away a friend.

However, I have only rescued one in my entire life, a tiny little bear about 4 inches high that must've belonged to a very young child at one time. The only 'defect' on the little guy was a bit of stuck on gum. I could not 'bear' disappointing that little face so I took him home and washed him.

Ah, the price of fame...

Ragtime Rachel's picture minute you're on top, the next, you've sunk to this.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,
