I'm looking for any stories in which a child actually wants a magic/scifi MtF transformation... and gets their desire/wish, but then has to deal with the real world consequences of the unexpected change. Dealing with family, friends, school, etc. No further magic beyond the initial change.
I'm not looking for any AR/AP stories, nor stories where as part of the magical change, they're removed from their family and life. I want to read a hopefully logical narrative about dealing with the post-change situation without any further magical gimmicks. Now if the narrative later causes them to find a new life, for logical nonmagical reasons, that's fine. :)
This story was what made me want to try to find more:
This movie, "Something Special", aka "Willy/Milly" is an FtM version: http://www.planetout.com/popcornq/db/getfilm.html?1581
Major spoiler if you click the "more" link.
Totally misleading trailer here:
I'd like to see that one again someday, but I can't find if it's available on DVD.
Well, there is the story on TopShelf...
Accidental Magic. I think it would fit that description.
Thanks, forgot about that one.
Thanks, I forgot about that one. I forgot to specify that there shouldn't be any additional magical rewriting of reality to insert her into her new life as if she had been born that way. I vaguely recall a couple other stories that had that element, now that I'm thinking of it.
I goofed when I described the links. The planetout link has a major spoiler in the last couple paragraphs of the summary, and the trailer link is the one that hides the spoilers until you click "more".
Kinda partic'lar, ain't we?
I'm not sure if they're entirely what you're looking for, but both Wanda Cunningham and Erin have very fun incomplete serials here on BC, The Fairy King and Private Mountain respectfully.
Melanie E.
You know...
I was thinking I had a story that would fit that description. :) But Private Mountain is NOT finished, even though I do know the ending. It's just the middle I didn't know about.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
But Erin, I usually skip to the ending anyhow
Who needs a middle?
Tell me, did the magical butler do it?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Yes, I was a bit particular. :)
Yes, I was a bit particular. I've found in life that if you don't specify exactly what you're looking for, you frequently don't get it. :)
I read the first chapter of each of those, and they don't appear to fit the "protagonist wants/desires/requests the change" criterion. They do appear interesting in their own right, and I do intend to finish reading them, so thanks for the pointers. I'll finish reading them soonish.
I've seen several stories that match all the criteria, save either the protagonist is an adult (very common), or the boy didn't want or wish or ask for it (pretty common too), or in addition to the change, history and/or memories of all her friends and family were changed to match the new reality, or the child found herself magically stuck in some other completely different life. The two I linked above in the OP actually don't match the criteria completely; the movie is FtM, and the story... well it didn't match a different thing, but if I mentioned which it would constitute a major spoiler. It was oh-so-close, though, and I still liked it anyway. :)
Melanie did mention they were incomplete, and I didn't mind that. A completed story would be wonderful, of course, but I don't mind an incomplete story as long as at it gets at least as far as the magic/scifi change, and at least some post-change events and consequences are shown. I didn't specify that they be complete, and I know how hard sometimes it is to find the long-term consequence stories completed. I'll take what I can get. :)
Upon consideration, I'll retract the bit about no AR/AP stories, as long as the protagonist was a child to begin with, or doesn't end up significantly older than they started. I've seen plenty of adult->child AR stories, of course, and I've seen a few of the child->adult ones before, in the "Altered Fates" and "Morphic Adaptation Unit" universes, mostly. I do know of one additional story that does match all the criteria when AR stories are included: Altered Fates: Daughtered.
Erin, I spotted a few typos and minor mistakes at the beginning of your story, would you mind if I did copyedit notes for you as I read it?
Not at all
I wrote directly into the submit box on Private Mountain. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Writing directly into the submit box
> I wrote directly into the submit box on Private Mountain.
*puzzled* Does that make a difference?
I personally think that it's much better to compose in a word processor first, but how is it relevant to the issue of whether you want to go back and do edits?
She's saying
You're more likely to WANT to edit if you write directly into the submit box, most of the time... but not always. For me... I think it depends on how much coffee my Muse has had that morning.
All it would take
"All it would take" is the fan fiction that I've been waiting to write. I recorded the original film which HBO aired as "Something Special" when it first came out. I have viewed it so many times that I know most of the dialog by heart. Since you brought up the film, the time is now. What's one more story in the pot when I have so many on the fire already. I know ... I promise to finish them all. This one demanded to be started now. This one is 'Willy Milly: The next generation' since the original story ended shortly after Willy changed back to Milly when they all were still children.
"Dance, Dance, Dance" involves Dee Jay being transformed by majick into Denise for a month. During the first half of the month Denise has 'training wheels' which allow her to go on 'autopilot' to do some tasks, gain access to some information, and provide her a sence of comfort being female. The second half of the month, the training wheels go away and she is on her own.
The end of the month is a decision point and the spell will transform her back into being male if not really female mentally. The exception is that any sex that leads to pregnancy will result in Denise permanently remaining female. Reality itself does not change for Denise in the month. The only way that reality might be rewritten is if Denise stays Denise when the month is over.
The story involves the month and the day before and the day after so Denise has to deal with current reality mostly in the story.
Linda in No Foolin', available on Stardust, hasn't had her story told beyond her transformation, yet. Her only help is that she was a transgirl before the transformation but no magical aides for her whatsoever and reality is unchanged. The magic that transformed Linda has been halted at least temporarily so no more medling has occured via magic.
My friend, Joanna Dorcas's story, 'Joshua's Daughter' involves a character who is transformed by magic invoked with Christian elements where reality is not rewritten. She tells me that she intends to write future stories with the character as she copes with the miracle that she was given.
It seems expected to be believable in a story where magic is used to either rewrite reality or make things as though reality has been rewritten. Halting the magic source in it's tracks is not something that is done a lot. Halting the magic removes it as a source of more transformations. If the result of the transformation is an awakening of being a magic user as well, then it can be assumed that even if unwritten about that the magic user has used magic to ease their transition. In my fan fiction, Wonder Twins, the character Joan aka Sorceress does not explicitly use magic to aid in her transition but she has friends in high places that help her, that is the Super Friends.
All my hopes,
Sasha Zarya Nexus
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland