Looking for story recommendations: transformation, child protagonist

I'm looking for any stories in which a child actually wants a magic/scifi MtF transformation... and gets their desire/wish, but then has to deal with the real world consequences of the unexpected change. Dealing with family, friends, school, etc. No further magic beyond the initial change.

I'm not looking for any AR/AP stories, nor stories where as part of the magical change, they're removed from their family and life. I want to read a hopefully logical narrative about dealing with the post-change situation without any further magical gimmicks. Now if the narrative later causes them to find a new life, for logical nonmagical reasons, that's fine. :)

This story was what made me want to try to find more:

This movie, "Something Special", aka "Willy/Milly" is an FtM version: http://www.planetout.com/popcornq/db/getfilm.html?1581
Major spoiler if you click the "more" link.

Totally misleading trailer here:

I'd like to see that one again someday, but I can't find if it's available on DVD.
