My wife and I Did divorce last April. We parted as Friends. Her mother has Alzheimer's and is in Canada. If you love them let them go. I let her go, and we ARE friends.
My Question is this
We Married in the Presbyterian faith, in Canada, MY faith, and divorced 25 years later in the Indian River County Court House, "faith". I did not go to a Church for the divorce. I did NOT NEED to seek approval for this from my religious faction.
I am a religious person. I DO love my Wife and I DO LOVE and have FAITH in GOD. We did part as friends and I wish and pray only for her best.
My Question should be obvious. If "Marriage" is a Holy thing the why do we have to have the "local" courts do the Unmarraige".
If this is the case, I was married in a House of God, one that I do believe in. Why do I divorce in a local "County court"
Hmmm Civil Union perhaps
So is anyone smarter than me in figuring this out and really being able to SLAM the whole same sex marriage thing as I think can be done.
After all EVERY Marriage MUST be APPROVED by the CIVAL Gov't,
just a question
sorry that I can not spell
Take it if you will or Need to another site
I put it here as this is the only site I READ from AND now I feel like crap for putting it here
Don't feel bad.
In essence, you're right: marriage, as recognized by the legal body of the US, is not a religious unity, but a civil one.
The issue arises from those who have trouble grasping that, and somehow neglect to recognize that. Here in the US, most if not all the issues with same sex marriage come from the belief that marriage is a Christian act alone, and should be held sacred as such. This is what led to the difficulties with the separate-but-supposedly-almost-equal "marriage versus civil union" debate years back: the argument that somehow having that religious tie to the ceremony conveyed more rights and a more meaningful union.
I have no problem with religious marriages. Heck, to be frank I have no problem with a religious organization refusing to marry two people, for ANY reason. However, in America marriage is not limited to just Christians. You can get married if you're Wiccan, Satanist, Agnostic, Pastafarian, whatever, and it still conveys all legal rights thereof. Putting requirements on that marriage that hinge on the beliefs of a single religion -- namely, a requirement of two separate sex partners -- is illogical and harms the freedoms America is SUPPOSED to be built on.
So, you're right: legally, a marriage and a civil union should be the same thing. :)
Melanie E.
Oh! On a separate note, a question: if you were to found a christian-themed religion that ONLY recognized same-sex pairings, and gathered enough followers to have it established as a nationally recognized faith, would even those governmental bodies that still try to deny same-sex pairings be forced to admit them?
No separation of church and state
I have mentioned in a previous thread, that this whole debate/fight originates IMHO from not having a clear separation between church and state in the USA and Canada.
If the marriage (aka civil union) as recognized by the legal body of the USA (and Canada) could be officiated only by civil servants, then the clergy would be free "bless/commit" the marriage according to their own religious doctrine. And if their religion does not sanction a same-sex marriage, they could not be obligated by law (and the courts) to officiate one. End of discussion!
Now, with the so-called licensing, the clergy become effectively civil servants. And are therefor obligated by the non-discrimination legislation. So, as civil servants they have the obligation to officiate a same-sex marriage as stipulated by law. And if they refuse, they might even be guilty of a crime/felony.
Jessica Nicole
Religion is dangerous... FAITH is what's important.
Religion is man making rules pertaining to God, faith is man giving himself to God.
That said, in the old testament, divorce was allowed. Jesus acknowledged Moses issued that law due to man's intransience. Jesus simply added that once divorced, if you married another you committed adultery.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Here's a thought...
In the US, the constitution says that we have freedom of religion. If that is so, then that means that if a church allows and performs and gives blessings to same sex marrage, that means that bans on same sex marriage are unconstitutional. I'm a point....but I hate when people talk about Christian values when they have no idea what evil Christians have done in history.
Simple answer
Divorce can't be religious because the bible prohibits it. Matthew 5:31-32. Mark 10:9-12. Luke 16:18.