Writing Frenzy

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On Sunday I wrote and posted over 11,000 words on this site in three separate entries, Totally Insane;Totally Insane (Concluded) and Falling off a bike.

Quite how or why I did it, and that included help from one or two others with express proofing etc.,I don't know. Something seems to drive me, does that happen to other writers?

I know that I've written and posted three entries before on one day, but they were shorter. But what drives us to do it, to put everything else on hold to create something? Apart from essential chores, counselling a friend and talking to family and another friend, all I did was write.

I've never thought of myself as very creative, although my sheer output would tend to disagree with that. I accept it's literature lite, there are much better writers here than me, but none quite so prolific. So I must have some creative ability, albeit of a superficial nature, I'm an impulsive sagittarian who doesn't have time for the slow build up of character development or plot, as you might have noticed.

What is it that drives me to write? Seeking adulation of others, hardly, I get some good comments, but it's hardly adulation - although my ego enjoys what strokes it can get. My toughest critic is a twelve year old, who wastes no time in telling me what I get wrong, she also tells me what she likes, so there's some balance there.

I've always been able to express myself with words, so I find writing at this level fairly easy, but why do I do it? Why do I give up a couple of hours every night to keep going a story which anyone else would have stopped months ago?

I accept that Falling Off A Bike has developed its own momentum and is something of a challenge to keep a reasonable storyline while keeping it going as long as possible, and the disappointment I know some others would feel if I stopped because I didn't feel like it that day. There have been days when I haven't felt like it, or been very tired, but like showbiz, the show must go on. Little did I know it would be heading for half a million words by now and over 1200 pages.

I don't know what makes me write nor do I know why others do it. Some are obviously working through stuff, some are challenging themselves, some do it to amuse others, plus lots of other reasons which are too numerous to mention. Perhaps mankind has a built in urge to communicate and to amuse, storytelling is a very long practised art.

Anyway, as this proclivity (what a lovely word!)seems to have run most of my life and if anything is building up extra steam, those who don't like my writing will just have to ignore me for a bit longer, because it doesn't look like stopping anytime soon.

That I think is all I need to say, except that I will conclude all my serials, and continue the odd one/two parter as the idea gels. Totally Insane will probably get a third part in the near future as there seems to be an interest in it -especially from my toughest critic!

Thanks for reading this and my other stuff, I'll try not to post too many things in a day, for a while.

What drives you to write, share it with the rest of it?



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