Holiday Blog.
Sorry haven’t had time to write Bike tonight I’m a little tired after traipsing round sand dunes in pursuit of our avian friends. Yesterday we visited a nature reserve near Torrevieja and saw a flock of stone curlews, amongst other things. Crested larks, bath white butterflies, flamingoes and Isabelline wheatears made up some of the rest of my haul of observed species.
Today at Santa Pola salt pans it became embarrassing to say, “Oh not another black winged stilt or avocet,” but they were there aplenty, sadly we didn’t add squacco heron or marbled duck–but hey...
I’m having great fun seeing new species and new places and my chauffeuse and great friend Annie seems to be enjoying accompanying me on my endless rambles, sadly what I suspect was a marsh harrier didn’t come close enough to be identified, it was just a brown object soaring too far away to see with any certainty.
I’m hoping we’ll get into some hills or low mountains before we return, we could see eagles there and while I’m happy to watch any birds or animals going about their daily business, it does make the heart beat faster to see a raptor circling, because they are fewer than the things they eat–logical innit? No dormice yet, probably need a more wooded area.
I’ll try and do another Bike tomorrow but it depends on how much time I have available, and tell me if cicadas inhabit every bush or tree after dark and make the nights buzz with their chirruping, how come I never manage to see one, no matter how hard I try?

Have a good time
We shall somehow survive without Bike tonight. Such things as you are doing can be healing and energizing. :)
Noises off
Are you sure it is only cicadas making that noise? Here part of the orchestra consists of geckos. Having a friend to share your journey is a lucky bonus because things stick in the memory so much better when accompanied by a shake and whispered "Look at that."
Rhona McCloud
My first squacco heron was a surprise--in a pool next to the main road in the outskirts of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer in the Camargue.
Wanted to be in Gibraltar for the migration this autumn, but no such luck. I will try and get there for the spring arrival of the storks and raptors. Magnificent spectacle, and you can watch it from a pavement café...
Slightly jealous
but also glad to hear that you're both having it good over there.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Glad you're having a good time
.... and I'll survive a few days without "bike" for the sake of your mental health.
Thanks for all you do!