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Question for anyone who can answer. How long does it usually take for blood tests results to be made known to a doctor?

I'm asking in connection for my story. I'm having Mathew take a full genetic/dna test, and I just need a time frame.



Genetic testing

erin's picture

DNA testing can take weeks, a low end of two weeks is believable, a high of ten weeks or so is also rational. In reality, depending on who is doing the testing and why, it can take days or months.

The ACTUAL test takes minutes or hours. The waiting is all logistics and paperwork.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

In essence

In essence its all dependent on how fast the results and accuracy is needed along with the backlog of others waiting. Money may play a factor in speeding up the process (not the test itself) as well as some political cases.

It also depends on who

jennifer breanna's picture

It also depends on who ordered the tests. If the test is ordered by a ER doc the results are usually in the docs hands a lot faster than being ordered by a family doc. They can really get the lead out in a critical care type situation.

Blood tests

shiinaai's picture

When I was suspected of dengue fever last time, I had to take a blood test. It took them 3 weeks to give me the result. By the end of the first 2 weeks I was already healed. If I really had dengue fever, I would've already died before I could see the blood test result.

So it depends on where and who you do the blood test with. If it's a small clinic, it's likely going to take a long time. But if you have a really serious condition and you take the blood test at the place where they actually do it (hospital, medical research center) then it will probably take only a day or two. As Erin said, it's the logistics that takes a long time.

Straight blood tests

Penny Lane's picture

In the UK, I can get the results of a regular blood test the following day. In fact, I had one done this morning and tomorrow sometime I expect to login to my patient's access account at the hospital and see what they found.

Because of my history I can get results a little quicker than most. All this, of course, is via the British NHS. If my doctor (GP) asked for a blood test, then I could phone up the surgery about four days after the blood was drawn to find out the results.

The longest delay, actually, is between requesting the blood test and seeing the phlebotomist, most of which I know by name now. So many tests are requested these days that an appointment can be 4-7 days away.
