I want to thank all of your for your comments on my attempt at writing something worthy in Karen's world.
As has been said elsewhere my story does take place a year before the events depicted in her "A New Style of Education". So, yes Rachel Ruiz has not yet joined the school. As to Renee's unusual orchestral instrument... Her instrument will be revealed in the next chapter (at the Editor's now). As to other issues, questions, answers. Hopefully you'll gradually find answers to your questions, and discover new questions as the story progresses. I do have a LOT of ground to cover. :-)
Over the next chapters, you get to know Fran and Ingrid a little better. Eventually, the other four will be introduced in more detail. What, you say you don't know Renee well enough yet? (Comming, slowly for you) And, you want to know where Dan's comming from and where he's going? Well, that is what this story is intended to tell... I think. Hmmm. Maybe I should work a student "Rock & Roll" ensemble into the story? I mean, surely they have school dances... And, do they really want to bring in "outside" performers? :-) (Karen, please don't disown me on this joke.) Hmmm. Mix-up Monday's going to come as a shock to the first year don't you think... I wonder how it'll play out. :-)
My three proofers deserve a lot, without their assistance, the story would not be anywhere near where it stands today. (You can see the difference by looking at my other serial novel... My one short story did get a lot of editorial help, and I think it benefited from it.) So, while I'd prefer to write and post, I think we'll all benefit from having the chapters heavily reviewed/edited. The final thing you see, is mine. They are NOT responsible for any errors you may see!
But, again, thanks to all of you for your comments. I've REALLY enjoyed the opportunity to write in this rich world, and I hope I contribute a small amount to your enjoyment of it.
Annette, What I Am Looking Forward Too Is
When your story starts interacting with Karen's.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It already has.
But, I won't tell you where. :-)
hidden gifts, amazing talents
Greetings Annette,
So far the story is very well thought out, and I am enjoying the reading of this story, along with the others in this SPA Universe. I do hope and pray that these stories will continue to be great works of writing skills as they hit chords in us that are very much like some of the things in our lives that we would want them to be in real life. I truly wish that when I was younger, that there would have been a true school of the caliber of the schools Imagration Mannor, and Hayfield Hall. I can only dream of this, and pray that someday there will be someone rich enough and wise enough to be able to put together such a system, an implement it, for all of the ones struggling with these issues of gender identity, and transition.
Kindest Regards, and may the Goddess' Blessings be upon Thee...
Hi Annette,
Hi Annette,
I just wanted to write to you to say I am enjoying Hidden Gifts alot and I look forward to the future chapters and other stories. I was also wondering if you play the bagpipes yourself? If you don't and need any technical information regarding them then give me a shout and i will help you in any way that I can (played them myself since i was 16).