Death's-head Hawk Moth.

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Found this little fellow alive in my attic yesterday (Wed 4th Sept.) I opened the windows but he failed to make it and I found him/her dead this morning on the floor minus his head.
He has a wing span of approx. 4.5 to 5 inches and is quite rare in the UK.
My attic looks like something out of the Adam's family's house. Even the bat's backed off from attacking this guy and I think he might have collided with one of the other windows to have lost his head. The 'skull' can be seen easily on the back of the wee beastie. So sad he died.Death'shead hawk moth..jpg



Rather a rare visitor to the UK in the past, but getting commoner with global warming. They can squeak like a mouse.

You certainly meant new ice age?

Climatologists are just too stooooopid to understand that apparent temperature has nothing to do with warming or cooling. You need to consider humidity. If you concider humidity +50C in Saudi Arabia has less energy than +30C in London.
With Gulfstream breaking up UK and Nordics are facing Siberia like conditions with -35 to -40C during winter.
Funny thing is that "green" energetics of wind power generators are compounding the issue. But it is a different story.
Ps: total fuel efficiency of best electric cars is in the best of the conditions just under 30%. Typycal is under 20%, on par with gas guzzlers of the early 70-th. Total efficiency of diesel cars now on the best of them is over 50%. (stock C-classe diesel Merc with quite a nice performance takes just a bit over 3.5 liters of diesel per 100 km on the freeway, and under 6 liters in mixed cycle.) Efficiency of contemporary oil fueled cars is so high that you need electric heater to warm up the cab.
Sorry for the rant, but we here had one of the coldest summers in recorded history :-)
(maybe not recorded history, but in the last 40 years for sure. And while half of tbe Europe was overheating in the summer of 2010, that was used to prove GW to Europeans, in Siberia there were still patches of the snow on the ground in August. While ususally all of the snow was gone before July)


That's the moth from the Silence of the Lambs, right?

You have to be carefull!

Someone capable and brave enough to bite off the head off the dead head moth could be strong enough to bite off your head ;-)