A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 12.

Someone was messing with my feet. Gentle, kneading pressure. It felt rather wonderful, and I wanted to just stay put and enjoy it. It was not meant to be, however. Jeeves broke the pleasant spell.

“Please wake mistress Min. You are late for your school preparations.”

I glanced up; my alarm clock read 7:08. The alarm had been shut off.

“Oh, crap. Oh crap! Is the bathroom open?”

“It is. I have convinced Ian to wait for you and resume his own preparations after your shower.”

I looked down. There were visible smudges of oil and dirt on my arms and legs. I was also in a nightgown. Had I managed to change clothes last night? I couldn't remember. Last I could remember I had been stacking the android 'muscle' bundles in preparation for installing them to the frames. So the dirt was actually residue from the printing process. A step outside my door revealed a rather disgruntled looking Ian waiting, arms crossed and foot tapping as he leaned up against the wall.

He did a complete 180 as soon as he saw me though. I was determined to strike first though.

“Good morning, and I'm sorry. Thank you for waiting!”

And I was in the bathroom and had the door safely slammed. I only wobbled a little; I was getting good at moving while my balance was shot. I managed to look at the mirror, even as the room started to slowly spin. There was printer crap in my hair; and not just a little. It was streaked through the entire length. No wonder Ian had been struck speechless, I looked stupid. How had that even happened?

I managed to start the shower, but couldn't stand up in it.

Something was seriously wrong here; perhaps a bath was in order instead. I did the best I could and did manage to get clean, but a fog had descended rapidly over my thoughts. I wanted to give up and call Jeeves, but mom was adamant about him being in the bathroom with me before. I shook my head to clear it and crawled out. Drying off and putting my clothes on seemed to take forever, then I realized that somehow my clothes had made it into the bathroom. I did not remember grabbing them. The door was unlocked.

I had to use the walls, but the minute I got upright and opened the door, Jeeves was there. He helped me downstairs, where something smelled absolutely delicious. I tried to help, but by the bottom of the stairs he was all but dragging me. He put me down just before we were due to enter the dining room however, and let me walk on my own from there with just a little support. The clock in the living room read 7:37.

Ian still noticed. Gone completely was the anger or (whatever it was) of the morning.

“You alright sis?”

I waved off the concern.

“I'm fine, just a little tired. Sorry about this morning. You've still got time for a quick shower if you hurry.”

He didn't really. I had taken way too much time cleaning up. Everyone else had already eaten, bacon and eggs from the looks of things. And now they were staring at me; I don't think I was fooling any of them. Mom especially, which was awkward.

Jeeves helped me sit down.

“So what's for breakfast? It smells great.”

In fact, it didn't smell like bacon and eggs, it smelled more like chocolate. Jeeves put my coffee carefully in front of me.

“A skillet double chocolate chip cookie.”

“What? But cookie aren't for breakfast.”

Mom was strangely silent, but watching the byplay between us carefully. Dad appeared to be reading a file of some kind, but he hadn't turned a page since I sat down. Ian looked like he wanted a bite. Jeeves plopped a large slice of what had to be an absolutely huge cookie in front of me.

“We must defy convention today mistress Min; you require the nutrients. Please, do not hesitate.”

Finally mom spoke.

“What do you mean, Jeeves?”

I picked up a fork; there was no way I'd treat this is as finger food; the chocolate was liquid in the middle. I might even need a napkin or a bib in my current state.

“Mistress Min requires large amounts of sugar, fats, starches, and proteins today. Currently, Fats and sugars are paramount. If she does not receive this fuel she will fall into a coma, potentially for days. At the very least until she receives it. I would prefer she imbibe the things she needs before she slips into said coma, as opposed to feeding the nutrients to her intravenously afterward.”

Well, that certainly sounded ominous. I wasn't sure I believed Jeeves though. It felt like a standard sort of attack of mine since my mutation, just worse. I was already three bites in; despite not being breakfast food, the cookie was delicious, and quite obviously made from scratch, chocolate and all. I wonder where Jeeves got the recipe for the chocolate? Dad got involved just as mom predictably started getting worked up.

“How do you know this Jeeves?”

“I monitor mistress Min's health. It is, in point of fact, half my reason for existing; to monitor her health and take care of her, as well as serve her.”

Ugh. I hated when people talked about me while I was present as if I wasn't there.

“I'm right here you know.”

Mom shot me an apologetic look but pressed on.

“And what is the other half of your reason for existing?”

Jeeves didn't miss a beat, placing another large cookie piece on my somehow suddenly empty plate. Had I really eaten all that? I was still hungry. Ravenous in fact.

“To protect mistress Min from all threats, of course. You know this already. I was designed and constructed to be the quintessential house servant; obedient trustworthy and loyal.”

“To Minerva.”

Jeeves nodded.

“Yes of course. To mistress Min.”

Mom nodded, accepting that and leaning back. That made me a little nervous, but the cookie was too good to ignore. Maybe I could distract them both.

“Jeeves, give Ian a piece of this.”

It didn't work.

“So in your opinion, should Min go to school today?”

Jeeves handed Ian a small plate with a very small piece of cookie; barely enough to qualify as normal cookie size.

“In my opinion, no. While the condition is not life threatening, she is too ill to travel to school today, much less sit through the classes. If she goes, it is entirely likely that I will have to carry her here by lunch.”

He was underestimating me.

“Then why are you helping her get ready for school?”

He looked at me, and shoveled another cookie slice on my plate. This one wasn't large. I really wanted to turn it down, but I still had room for it, or at the very least, eyes for it.

“Because she wishes to go.”

Oh crap. With that the hard eyes of both parents rested on me once again, dad dropping his pretense.

“Is what Jeeves says true Min?”


Mom got up to get some more coffee... and do that forehead feeling thing that moms all over are famous for. She locked eyes with me and I didn't dare move away.


It sounded so stupid when I acknowledged it.

“Because I didn't want you to think I was staying home because of the garage coming today. I didn't want you to think I was faking it or anything.”

And I also didn't want this stupid body of mine to dictate terms of when I could do things or when I couldn't to me. But I didn't admit that, no matter how loudly I thought it.

Mom slapped me gently on the forehead. She was satisfied I was telling the truth.

“You're staying home today. I'll call the school.”

I nodded gratefully. Ian looked like he'd eaten a lemon again, but I couldn't ask him what his problem was with our parents hovering. Dad checked his watch.

“Well time for me to go. Have a good day everyone, and feel better Min.”

We all chorused our farewells to him as he grabbed his briefcase and left. Ian and I should be following him out the door, technically. We only had about 15 minutes to get to school, but he ran back upstairs. For my part, the chair was comfortable and the room was spinning slowly, even though I was more awake than I had been. I was in no hurry anymore.

Ian came down in a blur mere moments later, almost slamming into mom as she sat down to her next cup of coffee. As soon as the door slammed mom looked at me. I think it was a stern look, but I was too busy holding on to the edge of the table to notice much.

“You, upstairs.”

I had to ask.

“Do I really look that bad?”

Jeeves picked me up, ignoring my protest again as Mom answered.

“I knew as soon as I saw you, so yes. But even if we had all been blind, Ian noticed something was wrong earlier. Your dad and I were in fact discussing whether you would try to conceal it from us to go to school, or if you were actually faking.”

“I wouldn't fake anything like this... because if I did, you would make me go to school when you felt I wasn't sick enough.”

She had done that once, it had led to me puking on a teacher in middle school.

“I stand by that decision. Your temperature was barely 99 degrees when you went to school. The real illness hit you later.”

Jeeves was carrying me out of sight with a grin draping his face, so I would have the last word!

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

There, mission accomplished. Jeeves gently placed me back in my bed and covered me up. Which was a good thing, since I was cold for some reason. It couldn't have been colder than sixty degrees out. The sheets and pillowcases were fresh; where Jeeves had found the time to change them, I couldn't figure out.

“Please lay there quietly a moment mistress Min, I will return with refreshments and entertainment.”

Well the refreshments should be coffee and probably something sugary. But entertainment? I was under the impression he wouldn't want me thinking too much today, since that was part of the problem apparently. So what sort of amusement could I expect that required little to no thought?

And how lame was my power, anyway? I lose my physical skills and size, and gain the ability to make things... but if I think about stuff too hard it lays me on my butt? Being a mutant just absolutely sucks. But there are no quitters in the Campbell clan; there had to be something I could do. Just not today.

Jeeves returned with the expected coffee, some assortments of teas, and a portable hot plate with the remains of the cookie he'd made on it. He also had my laptop. He set it up on a tray in front of me, and waited.

Oh right, it needed me to look at it in order to open, since it was shut down. Whoops.

Once I was done looking stupid, he quickly opened the browser and went to the streaming site I had checked out when learning to play that strategy game, and settled on a stream of professional players, playing it in a tournament. Well, it was better than television sit coms I guess. It was interesting watching all the different strategies and tactics in play. It was so interesting in fact, that I feel asleep as some point after the first game. Somehow the music of the intermission ads lulled me to sleep.

I woke up to find the finals of the tournament going on. My coffee had been replaced by hot tea of some kind, and the cookie was still warm, which meant the plate was still on. I didn't see Jeeves; that probably meant mom had chased him out at some point. I was all but cocooned in blankets; it was difficult to move at all.


The door opened, true to form, and Jeeves stepped in.

“Yes mistress Min?”

“Could you help me up here? You seem to have weighed me down.”

It was pretty mortifying to be unable to work my way out of a few blankets, but he had them tucked in so tight, and I wanted some tea! He helped me sit upright and lean against the headboard. I snagged a delicate cup and sipped. The liquid in the cup was green tea, hot and with lemon? Weird, but good, somehow. Apparently the underdog was winning the semi-final best of five, so far.

“Where's mom? Is she here?”

I was such a wimp. I woke right up and looked for mom. But I had a bad feeling.

“She had an errand to run. How do you think you feel?”

Well that was an odd question.

“Well I think I feel better. Almost fine, even. Why did you ask the question that way?”

Jeeves took my tea cup away and refilled it.

“Because I know your current condition. Your opinion and your real condition don't always match.”

“Well that's rude of you.”

“My apologies, mistress.”

I had to ask though.

“So how am I actually doing?”

“You are recovering. However you are not well yet; you should not be out of bed or working yet. Please continue to watch your tournament.”

He smirked; having known what I had been doing. He intended that joke.

“Right, more sleep. After more cookie. And more of that tea.”

“As you wish.”

He set more cookie and tea next to my laptop on the tray, and I set to work. The cookie did not survive, and when I looked up, Jeeves had replaced it with what looked like a large bowl of chocolate pudding. It smelled like it had mint in it. I pointed at it.

“What is it?”

“Chocolate mint pudding, of course.”

“More chocolate?”

I really wanted a nice large burger or something.

“Your blood sugar is still quite low, and the fats are useful. If you are capable, you should consume as much as possible.”

Ugh, the cookie was enough, at least for now, and Jeeves seemed to understand that; he didn't press. I watched until the finals, when mom came in. Her hand went right to my forehead again.

“How are you?”

“I'm better. Jeeves says I'm not recovered yet, and I still feel a bit tired, but I'm OK.”

I didn't mention how weak I felt. I didn't really think I could get up, even to go to the bathroom. Which was kind of odd really; why didn't I need to go? I'd been eating and drinking all day so far, and my bladder was the size of walnut normally.

Was Jeeves actually right, and I needed nutrition so badly my body even now was using everything, leaving no waste at all?

That was a sobering thought really; didn't that happen when people were starving to death, or dying of thirst in a desert or something? Mom hugged me, breaking the train of unpleasant thoughts.

“It's alright honey; being a regenerator means you'll survive just about anything. You just need to focus on getting better, and let me know if you feel any pain anywhere, alright?”

I wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily.

“Where did you go?”

She grinned, with teeth, and my full stomach sank. She had been plotting.

“To your school. I wanted to get Jeeves registered as one of your guardians so he could have access to the school.”

I really needed a safety switch for my mouth.

“What? I thought you hated Jeeves!?!”

She pulled back and put a finger in my pudding, tasting it. Her face lit up, showing she approved.

“We've come to an understanding of sorts. That understanding does not let you off the hook, however. You need to be very careful in what you order Jeeves to do.”

Translation; if Jeeves keeps me out of this room again, he's scrap. Message received, loud and clear. I would not put money on Jeeves if he and mom got in a fight, even though Jeeves is stronger and well, a robot. Mom was, well... Mom.

“I will mom. So the principal went along with it?”

If he hadn't mom would have told me she had tried to get Jeeves registered, a distinction I was proud to catch.

“Simple, I told him Jeeves was your new personal nurse as well as servant. Your medical condition qualifies you as special needs, and since he isn't armed, and has in depth knowledge of your health and condition, he can now not only enter the school to pick you up, but follow you in the school itself. Um, he is unarmed, isn't he?”

I answered her absently, thinking. I wasn't happy to be told I was special needs. Even if it was true, and I wasn't sure it was, it smacked of calling me weak and crippled. Hadn't I been doing OK in school so far? Hadn't I been getting better?

“No, he's not armed with anything; that's your buddy X-ray's deal. Jeeves is just a butler.”

Mom read me like a book and swooped in for another hug.

“You're fine honey. I'm just taking the precaution, and knowing what I know now, I'd rather have Jeeves near you at all times. The thought of you passing out while walking the school and no one knowing what to do, well it makes me sick inside. Maybe it'll never happen... but if it does, having Jeeves there would be a load off my mind. He dotes on you, after all.”

Well when she put it that way, I had to agree with her.

“Of course he does; he was built to after all.”

At least if Gordo tried to throw me around again Jeeves would be there to catch me. I didn't want Ralph or Ricky trying that. Gordo could take Ricky alone, and while Ralph could beat him easily he'd get in trouble for doing it.

“Oh there was one other thing I had to do at the school....”

Ahh, crap. She had my homework.

“I expect it to be done by tomorrow, no matter how you feel then. I will be checking. Now, I need to wait downstairs for the delivery. I'll be back up to check later. Stay in bed.”

She kissed my forehead and left with a smile. All was completely forgiven apparently. Well I did inherit my temper from my mom, so not so surprising. I wish I could get a better read on dad though; he was so silent, so distant lately....

The underdog lost the tournament.

Well I was upright enough, I could play the game I'd just watched and try out those strategies I'd seen against other people. At least until I passed out again. Playing in the ranking system against other people made me a little anxious for some reason, but that was stupid. Worst thing that could happen was I lost, right?

Jeeves came back and frowned at me just as I claimed my first victory.

“Mistress Min, you should endeavor to complete your school work.”


“But I though you said I shouldn't think too hard?”

He smirked at me in a perfect 'who are you trying to fool expression.'

“We both know there is little threat of that in your schoolwork. That game however, requires more thought. Improvisation, tactics... you should be careful.”

Well it was nice to know we shared the view on how useless homework was. I rolled my eyes at him, but dutifully picked up the first book, which was math. I worked on the worksheet provided without cracking the book, and Jeeves picked another gamer stream. This one was a massively multi-player game, and the guy in it was running around rather randomly. He was also dressed in a cow suit and blowing an air horn randomly.

I looked at Jeeves. He looked back at me, and with a sigh, reached over and changed it. By the time I was done with the worksheet he had found a streamer who had almost no viewers, playing a 20 year old game (one of the first first person shooters) as fast as he possibly could, even to the point of using game bugs to go faster. It was more interesting than the cow kid at least.

English was harder than math now, it was just so time consuming to read “The Iliad”, and the silly language made it worse. As if Shakespeare wasn't bad enough....

And somehow I'd fallen asleep again, as if it was a surprise. The backing up of some large vehicle woke me. Jeeves was next to the bed, staring at me. He wasn't even watching the laptop stream. I started disentangling myself; after I got my hands free, Jeeves helped. I had something I had to ask him, now that mom had to finally be out of range.

“Jeeves, did you undress me last night and put me in nightclothes?”

He shook his head as he dragged me upright. I felt better; stronger. But not as strong as I should feel, even after my mutation. Still not even at the level of my new one hundred percent.

“Your mother insisted she do it. I saw no reason to argue.”

That didn't sound ominous at all. They had to have talked at some point. Mom was on the verge of scrapping Jeeves yesterday. Or telling me to do it; I wouldn't have, but I could see it in her eyes yesterday.

My window faced the side yard. I could see a cement truck backing up into our yard. That had to be for the foundation. Had I missed the digging and the pieces being moved? That was kind of embarrassing – not to mention frightening. I didn't want to sleep so soundly. It made me vulnerable. Part of the reason I'd never get rid of Jeeves; I couldn't really afford to. For all his bugs, I couldn't even afford to take him offline for a day in order to fix those, because knowing my luck that would be the day something went wrong. I couldn't really see much from the window, so I went back to bed and picked up where I left off.

English done, I turned to physics, which was reading a chapter followed by a short quiz. The quiz was open book, and probably just to ensure people read the chapter. I didn't need the book though, I'd already read the chapter a few days ago, and the quiz was easy. I had to actively focus on not making notes beyond what the questions asked; I didn't want my mind to wander on a tangent and lose another day.

Geography was literally just placing the names of cities in correct places on a map. The map was of Poland, and there were 20 cities to place correctly, but still, it was hardly difficult. I finished just as Ian Stuck his head through the open door.

“Feel any better, sis?”

“Yes I do. But you need to come in; we need to have a little chat.”

I had expected a case of nerves; not the flash of anger I saw before he schooled his features. He took a step in and closed the door.

“Alright, what's up?”

If I didn't know he was mad, if I hadn't been looking for it, I'd never have noticed. I took a nice cleansing breath and plunged ahead.

“Alright, you know me. I don't know how to deal with these things very well. So I'm just going to ask; what is your problem, exactly?”

And just like that the anger flashed again, mixed with something else. Something I didn't recognize, and wasn't sure I wanted to.

“No problem. What makes you think I have a problem?”

An odd response; he obviously had some sort of problem, why would he try to hide it? I was going to have to embarrass myself to get him to talk. Well, maybe.

“Ian please. You're my brother and I know you. Something about all this is annoying you, and I can't fix it if I don't know what it is. Please just tell me.”

And the anger surfaced fully as he sat down; I could feel the heat of it even under all the blankets.

“It's just... OK you mutated, so it wasn't your fault. None of this really is. But mom and dad are basically doing whatever you want. Min wants tools to make crap with? Min gets tools. Min makes things in the garage that could be dangerous? She doesn't get chewed out, she gets to keep them. Min gets a brand new top of the line computer, Min gets parts for anything she wants, Min gets a freakin' workshop to do stuff in... and Ian gets ignored. I get tired of being ignored, Min.”

I was right, he was jealous. I had to handle this carefully. And I was right, I would have to embarrass myself a least a little.

“Min can't do much physically. Min's brain takes a hike at odd moments and she has to build things; that's what the tools are for, and if those tools and parts and things Min had made or gotten did not exist then Min would be taking apart random things in the house and pissing everyone off. Min's laptop is part of that too; mom and dad are right about what my type of mutant needs, surely you can see that Ian?”

He nodded like a badly piloted marionette; he really didn't want to admit that.

“Alright, now on to business. The fun stuff. You do realize, that your loving sister can build technology and items by request, right? If you wanted a laptop like mine, all you had to do was ask. After all, having a 3-d printer means I can print whatever we don't have, and that even means those doritos computers have. I could even redesign them to be better...”


Now Ian looked worried. I glance at Jeeves showed he was... pensive, I guess was the word, And I realized - oh crap, I'd been about to do it.

“Whoops, sorry. Back to the stream, I'll be good.”

Ian and Jeeves both noticeably relaxed. Which begged the question; I had seen it, but I wonder if anyone else could read Jeeves? I knew now that Jeeves had emotions; I'd checked the data on him and my other bots and they had been programmed in. Just simple lines of code, but I did good work. I wasn't sure they were emotions the way humans felt them, but then again, no other sentient being felt emotions the way humans did anyway.

I turned back to the stream, to find it changed; this one was a team battle strategy game. Ian leaned close to get an angle, so I moved it for him. And I that put the pudding in range, so I went to work on that.

“So, how do you feel, really?”

Sigh, we knew each other so well, despite everything.

“I was able to get up for a few minutes earlier, when the cement truck woke me up. Other than that I haven't been out of bed all day. To be honest, I'm more than a little stir crazy. Do I look any better?”

He grinned; what was so funny?

“Yeah, your color is back. You look like you.”

“Was just wondering, I didn't even begin to feel terrible until after I got to the bathroom, just a little tired. But you knew right off, didn't you?”

Ian pondered.

“Yeah I knew, but I'm not sure how I know. If I had to guess, I'd say it was your color. Normally you're pretty white now. But this morning you looked... bleached or something, I don't know.”

Well if this condition had a warning sign, I was all for it. Jeeves broke in after being quiet the entire conversation.

“Something you may notice mistress Min, is a lack of body heat or chills.”

No way.

“Won't work Jeeves, I'm always cold. At least a little. Heat regulation does not seem to be one of this body's talents.”

“I would not say that mistress Min. Your natural regulation of heat borders on the miraculous on some occasions.”

He knew something.

“Oh, and what occasions are those? Cause I sure don't remember any such time.”

“When you are using your full mental capacity, of course.”


“I generate heat when thinking hard?”

“I feel that word choice does not properly describe the situation, but in a word, yes. Your body has some very interesting ways modifications or adaptations designed to deal with heat dissipation.”

“And of course, in the times when I don't need it, those adaptations are still bleeding heat, leaving me cold. Obviously not to a significant degree, but enough so that the core temperature difference is normal.”

Biology was so imprecise. Such a system shouldn't always be on, and wasn't for the things humans built. But a human's own heating system was hopelessly primitive, so it shouldn't really be a surprise. Of course, the fact that I had adaptations in that arena meant they were probably needed....

“Mistress Min, please stop if you can.”

I came back to see two worried faces inches from mine.

“Eh, sorry about that. Was just thinking about heat regulating biology. And that led to heat regulation systems, and well.... yeah. I was about to do it again. But I'm totally fine now!”

They weren't buying it. Kind of a shame really, since this time I was telling the truth.

“Oh that reminds me. Ian, about the workshop... Mom said I can't let you into it.”

Always best to remind Ian to remind him where such ideas were born, especially given the conversation we just had. I overrode him as he started to protest; his face had actually turned red.

“But... she didn't say anything about you being unable to watch or see what's going on, or talk to us in there. Don't worry, if you are interested, I'll make sure you have a way to be part of the action. It'll take me awhile. Maybe a week, maybe a bit longer, but I have some ideas. Trust me, OK?”

He took a deep breath and wound down.

“OK. I'll trust you, instead of jumping down Mom's throat. Wouldn't do much good anyway.”

“Well not going to lie to you, the workshop is likely to be very dangerous. I mean, I'm going to be testing jet engines in there sometime next week, or at least I hope to. And I'd hate for something to happen to you, I'd just feel awful about it. But we Campbell kids have to stick together, and I don't want to leave you out.”

Now why had I said all that? I sounded like a sappy idiot. Ian was grinning at me, no doubt thinking the same thing. Perhaps a change in subject was in order.

“Right, well, I for one would like to get out of this bed and see the new edition. It should be just about up by now.”

I'd checked the website of the business mom had called. They guaranteed one day set up, or they took three hundred dollars off the price. A gesture and Jeeves was helping me. I already felt much stronger than an hour ago, perhaps I was over the worst of it.. and perhaps there was something in that pudding? A little extra ingredient perhaps?

“Are you sure, Min? I mean you look better, but...”

“I'm sure. I'm not made of glass; I won't break from a little walk.”

Not sure but unwilling to call me on it, he hovered like an annoying bee as Jeeves helping me down the stairs. I only needed to lean on him a little, otherwise my steps were steady and light enough, my balance finely tuned, and my head crystal clear.

We made it to hallway, when someone knocked on the front door. I knew immediately who it was, and reversed course. Jeeves beat me there of course, and opened the door to Ricky, Ralph, Maggie, and Sam. Maggie jumped in verbally before anyone else could; and possibly before her brain caught up.

“Hello Jeeves, we just came to see... Oh hi Min! Are you OK? You were out sick, but you look fine....”

Sam broke in before I could.


Maggie looked dubious.

“Well if you're sure Sam. She looks alright to me, well maybe a little...”

“For the record, I am sick, though I'm much better. Regeneration is useful after all, I recover quickly.”

Ralph's eyes narrowed, along with Sam's oddly enough.

“And what did you need to regenerate from, exactly?”

“Well Ralph, all of you, I just found out that when I use my brain to it's utmost it drains my body. Using electrolytes and all that at an accelerated rate. Jeeves apparently knew, which is why he was doing all the cooking. Why he didn't see fit to tell the rest of us, I'll never know.”

Ralph shot me a guilty look.

“So you use more electricity, more energy, when you're in those fugue states of yours?”

He had made a slip. He had definitely made a slip just then. He knew something too. Jeeves answered him.


Time to reel this conversation in with a nice convenient subject change.

“Anyway we were just going to check out the status of the workshop; did you all want to join?”

I carefully leaned away from Jeeves. I didn't even wobble, though looking up I saw Sam staring at me with the same look Jeeves normally wore; that was mildly disconcerting. I was starting to doubt my ability to read people. At least Ricky didn't look worried. I started leading the way.

Oh! Oh... Dad was going to be PISSED. The trucks had torn up his lawn. He loved his lawn; it was almost a third child or something. There was a clear track of torn grass and mud through the yard, and it ended in a patch of only slightly less ripped up lawn where the workers had stacked material and put things together and whatever else.

We were going to have to fix this. Well I was, it didn't seem right to rope Ian into repairing all this damage. Though if I knew Mom and Dad, he would be roped in regardless. We shared a look; he was irritated but resigned. No, I was going to make this whole situation up to him; I wasn't going to just let him get handed more work.

The shed itself was more of a small barn in make, a light tan color with brown trim, and both a garage door and normal door. It sat on a foundation of smooth concrete (how had they gotten that to dry so quickly?) and had large modern windows that looked better than the ones in our house. One side of the dark brown metal roof was empty. The other had a huge skylight inset in it.

Mom was supervising the workers putting the final touches to the interior from outside the open garage door. They were moving my printer. It was unplugged and therefore dormant, and hitching a ride on a small forklift. Hmm, the next one I made should probably have wheels, so we could move it without heavy equipment... or wheels and a small engine, so it could move itself....

Jeeves poked me in the forehead, of all things. I knew what he was doing, but it was still annoying.


He smiled and went back to watching the show. I don't think he liked the printer.

“You there, be careful with that. If you dump it, the mess will take forever to clean up. That's it, lower it gently.”

They were placing it in the far corner, which was probably the best spot for it. There were two large work benches, a desk with a computer chair that looked like I could sink completely into it... or that it could swallow me whole, a couch in the opposite corner, and a large solidly built table in the center. There was still enough room left over to park a car in, possibly two, and there were racks for the spare parts, and two large bins for raw materials. In short, it was perfect.

Well it was probably going to be too small eventually, and likely sooner rather than later; but for now, it was perfect. And I already had an idea on how to expand it if needed, so that wouldn't be an issue. Another look from Jeeves; this not thinking about things was harder than it sounded. Other people made it look so easy!

Ricky caught me looking at him. Whoops.


“Nothing. Nothing at all. So how goes practice?”

“Well we're still missing our best power forward, but it's getting better. For now Joe is stepping up, and he's getting better.”

Joe Stetz, huh? Yeah I could see that; he had the size to replace me at the very least.

“Good. I expect you all to win state without me.”

He grinned.

“We weren't gonna win state with you, let alone without you. But maybe we can cobble together a good winning season.”

“Well I'll take it.”

One of the workmen stepped up to Mom. The head guy maybe? He was tall and tan, chiseled and very buff. He was also sweating and stunk faintly.

“Anything else you'd like us to do while we're here with the equipment?”

She shook her head and passed over a check. I wanted to but couldn't quite make out the amount on it.

“No, that's everything. Thank you. Everything is set then?”

He nodded with a big bluff grin raked his hands through his hair.

“Yep. You can use it for whatever you want, right now. It has a cable set up, a wireless set up, the walls and supports are treated galvanized steel, the windows are high impact glass, the concrete is shatter resistant. It's one of our top of the line pre-fab packages for young devisors.”

So he knew what it was for then, and judging from the look he gave me, who.

“And the optional? The security and monitoring system?”

“All there Ma'am. We just need to set up the cameras in your house, and wire the other half of the intercom and button system.”

“Wait, what was this? There were cameras in there? Mom and Dad were going to watch me?

“I'll um, just get started on that.”

Mom noticed the guy noticing me, and looked over.

“Sure, you do that. The system should go in the den, second door on the right as you go in.”

As soon as he was gone, I asked her. My voice was remarkably calm.

“Video cameras? Audio too I assume?”

“Yes. Min, they aren't there to allow us to watch you. They are a panic system. In the event something goes wrong, the cameras turn on and an alarm sounds. Like if your new jet engine blows up, or the batteries you work on start to leak poisonous gas, or something like that, we can then see what's going on and rescue you. Otherwise they stay off.”


“Bur you can turn them on if you want to, right?”

“No. We have an intercom we can call you on in case you're late to dinner or need to stop and go to sleep, but the cameras stay off unless there is an emergency. There are also going to be cameras around the shop and the house in order to catch intruders and thieves. Devisor labs are hit all the time, even the small ones.”

I went colder than usual. I was putting us all in danger, my friends, my family, my neighborhood, just by existing. It had always been in the back of my mind, but having a Dr. Doom type come after my family cause he wanted my printer just seemed ludicrous.


“Don't worry honey. We aren't unprotected; that's what the CIA is hanging around for, after all. The cameras are just added security. We will both have monitors for them, and a separate alarm for those. The alarm connects to the police and the CIA, and is just extra layers of security for us.”

Why would it connect to the CIA at all? Surely the FBI would be a better choice, even given Mom's somewhat chummy relationship with them. It was very suspicious.

“And what does the CIA want in return for this added security? They aren't that altruistic, or at least that isn't their reputation.”

“Nonsense! They don't want anything at all. It pays to have friends in high places.”

Who did Mom and Dad know? The President, the Vice President, the Pope? Maybe the director of the CIA; that made more sense. But still, very suspicious. Something to ask later. I walked past the workers already on their way out for a better look.

The shop was bare, sparse; but I could fix that. Maybe some sound proofing. The walls were a nice cream color in between all the racks for tools and shelves for parts, but it looked bland. Wait, there was a partition wall, also metal. I thought this was the far wall, but there was a sink back here! A full kitchen, with a refrigerator and freezer, oven and bunsen burner, and a door which led to a bathroom and clean room shower. Holy crap, this place had everything. And once I equipped it with a small generator it would be power grid independent. Hmm, maybe with a little juicing on that score, it could make money for mom instead, to pay them back. Power companies had a standing deal that if you could feed power to them instead of the other way around, they would pay you for it, or at least the one around here did. Perhaps some solar panels on the empty roof....

“Mistress Min.”

“Right, sorry.”

So very hard.

“Alright Jeeves, I have some jobs for you. One is to move everything of ours from the garage to the shop; the workers seem to have moved all the really heavy stuff, but they left everything else. The second is to repair the lawn. If you need to learn how to do that, look it up online.”

Mom looked at me rather gratefully; she didn't want to deal with an angry Dad either.

“Understood. I will get started on the first job right away; though preparing dinner will slow full completion. I should be able to complete both tasks by tomorrow.”

My friends and Ian were taking their own tour of the new addition, a bit awestruck. Ricky looked a bit lost though. I could understand that; things had changed so much since summer. I hoped the new me wasn't someone he hated. He wouldn't tell me, and I was too afraid to ask; I don't think I could stand it if he did. He didn't seem to, but I made him uncomfortable now, somehow. And this was another one of those things I should stop thinking about.

“You really pulled out all the stops Mom. How much did this set you back?”

“As much as a small house. But you're wrong, daughter mine. It didn't cost me or your father anything. After all any money we've shelled out we get back; remember?”

How could I forget? I owed my parents a small fortune.

“I remember, just not sure how that's going to work. I'm still broke, after all.”

“Well, we will find out when your long lost second android gets here. According to him and Jeeves, you aren't as poor as you seem.”

The idea that I had another android out there was so weird.

“I don't get it really. Everything I've made is here and accounted for.”

Mom sharpened her stare.

“Alright, alright, almost everything. I think if Sheky had sold A.R.N.E.E. we would know.”

She shook her head, muttering something unflattering about devisors. I decided very carefully not to take offense.

“A.R.N.E.E. is what worries me, not Sheky. A.R.N.E.E. keeps making things on it's own. That sort of unrestricted action on the part of devisor tech is dangerous.”

She sounded like she knew firsthand; again, very suspicious.

“Well Jeeves still won't tell me where A.R.N.E.E. is, but I can ask him to pass an order along. And if that doesn't work, maybe I can think of something.”

She hugged me out of the blue.

“All I ask for honey. Now I've got to go inside and make sure that workman didn't track mud all over my floor. Enjoy the shop, but I expect to see you for dinner.”

“You will Mom.”

As soon as she left Maggie flew over, gushing in my ear.

“Oh this is so cool! It's like a clubhouse, or a second house really! You could live in it, and it looks like you could do all sorts of cool things in it, like jets fusion or even nuclear science! Maybe even anti-gravity!”

I held a hand up as Sam came over to slow her down.

“Please, don't try to give me ideas. It's not a good idea to do that right now.”

Sam started to drag her off.

“We have to go. Dinner.”

There was a new clock on the new wall of the new shop. It read half past dinnertime. Somehow just coming out to check the progress of the building had led to almost an hour wasted. And my traitorous body was beginning to get a little tired again. I wasn't going to let this beat me though.

Ralph and Ricky were both staring at each other while continuing to look around. It was weird, normally they just avoided each other; Ricky had no real problem with Ralph that I knew of, and the reverse was true. But here they were trying to stare each other down. It was kind of ridiculous, there was room enough for both of them on my friends list.

“Time to go guys. Please shut the door on your way out. If you want to stay for dinner you'll have to ask Mom.”

My shooing them out had nothing to do with the fact that my legs were a bit unsteady and I was once again ravenous. Nothing at all. Ralph responded.

“Nah, I'm good. Is it OK if I come over tomorrow though? I'd like to take a closer look once you add those finishing touches you're no doubt considering.”

In other words, he wanted to see the nerd girl in her natural habitat. I shrugged it off; whatever. No doubt he was worried I'd ask him about that slip he'd made earlier. I didn't forget, but I could be patient. Sure I could.

“Sure I don't mind.”

Ricky begged off too.

“I got to go too, my mom wants me to have at least a few meals at home.”

he had been spending a few nights a week over here, I suppose. Enough for his Mom to say something. A slight flutter; a vague sense of foreboding as Ricky shut the garage door behind him and they strode off together, shoulders almost touching. Ricky wouldn't really try something with Ralph, would he?

“Mistress Min, dinner.”


I injected as much false cheer and strength into my voice as I could; Jeeves watched as I steadied myself and made my way over. His hand met my forehead at the door, is other arm slipping around my waist.

“I suspected this. You are fatigued again, correct?”

There was no point in lying. He knew me too well, and was testing my galvanic skin response besides.

“I am growing more fatigued, yes. I'm still mostly fine, and ready for dinner.”

He nodded and the hand on my head withdrew. The one on my waist stayed put and helped me to my chair. Mom noticed, and didn't say anything.

“Mom you better head Dad off at the pass and tell him Jeeves is going to repair the damage to the yard. Otherwise we will hear all about it.”

And we really didn't need to, was the part I left unsaid but Mom and Ian both heard. Dad was due home in about 3 minutes, perhaps less. Mom moved... that sprint would have done the prior me proud. As the door opened and shut I turned to what Jeeves was cooking.

They were burgers. Huge burgers at least a quarter pound of beef each, cooked on a little grill. On the stove was a deep fryer with french fries inside, judging by the smell. There were plastic storage containers filled with toppings like onions, tomatoes, and bacon. The buns were actual buns, and looked to be made from scratch. There was enough to give a fast food place a run for it's money.

I guess Jeeves had heard my comment about a nice large hamburger after all.

“Thank you Jeeves.”

He nodded, knowing exactly what I was talking about. Ian looked a little lost, so I pointed and he nodded, beginning to salivate. I didn't blame him, really; it all looked so good. Mom walked in just as Jeeves pulled the fries out of the fryer.

“...We knew it would tear up the grass, and Min has already volunteered Jeeves to fix it.”

Dad walked in right after, placing his briefcase to the side as usual with a sigh.

“Yeah we knew, but I just wanted to see how bad it was.”

Ian piped up.

“It's better you don't see it yet Dad. Just relax, Jeeves made burgers and they smell great.”

I wasn't sure whose side Ian was on at the moment. His smile seemed to suggest ours, but that first part...

Dad's face lit up.

“Wow, those do look good.”

We all sat down to eat.

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