Dressing the Ring Bearer

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Lei Lydle runs a web site in Atlanta where she blogs and publishes resource guides for all who are planning traditional weddings. In 2004, she posted a brief article on dressing the ring bearer. In the comments section, her readers turned the conversation into a discussion about boys as bridesmaids that reads like TG fiction. :D

In her new web site, the article is available to premium subscribers only. Fortunately, her old site allowed web crawlers…


Lauren from San Diego, CA, wrote:

I was wondering if it is normal for my nephew who is 6 to wear the flower girl dress. My sister was telling me that boys in other cultures will wear the dresses until age 9 or 10. I never heard of this.

Then J.E. from Oklahoma followed with:

This is going to be a great wedding for my friends. There are going to be flower girls and ring bearers. The ring bearers who are boys are going to be wearing the beautiful flower girl dresses that matches the dresses of the flower girls. So in your wedding, you can dress your toddler boys beautifully by putting them in beautiful dresses like flower girl dresses or party dresses.

From there, it only gets better (or worse, as the case may be).

I also made a PDF of this page, in case the link disappears. Please see attachment.

PDF icon Boys as bridesmaids.pdf143.61 KB

There are rings

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

…and then there are rings! And hobbits in dresses have to shave their feet to wear hose and heels.

ah yes....

Andrea Lena's picture

.....and some nice corsets to shape them all and in the darkness bind them.....

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the satin and lace that is given to us.



To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena