Staying on a bike!

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'Falling off a bike' started as an experience of cycling through a thunderstorm. Today, I cycled through another one, this time on a mountain bike, with some wet weather gear and mudguards on the bike.

The storm today wasn't as bad in that the rain was less torrential, however, I was plodding up a long steep hill, which goes on for about two miles. The rain, wind and tide rushing down the road, did not make it any easier and the white socks I was wearing, were black by the time we stopped for a cuppa at the top.

The top is known as Hardy's Monument, which is folly tower built on top of the hill, commemorating Captain (later admiral) Sir Thomas Hardy, who was Nelson's flag captain on board HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. He came from the nearby village of Portesham which is just down the hill.

After a cuppa and a bacon roll, at the snack van, we moved on through Portesham to Abbotsbury. The rain had set in for the day and some of the country lanes were muddy and dangerous. In the muddiest one, as I turned a corner my drink bottle decided to jump off and roll in the mud and assorted animal excrement. I stopped to pick it up, but I did think twice about it!

Thankfully that was all the mishap I suffered apart from getting wet, waterproofs will only keep determined rain out for so long. We stopped for lunch at Abbotsbury and while indoors the rain stopped. It started again as soon as we began the homeward journey.

This involved riding up a hill known locally as 'the limekiln' because there was one nearly half way up it. I have yet to ride over this hill without doing a bit in 'walking gear', today was no exception, although the one compensation was that I am pretty sure I saw a red kite as I plodded up the steepest part of the hill. The ride down the other side past Hardy's Monument, was more fun than the ascent although spots of rain hitting you in the face at 30mph, hurts. The spray off the wheels also makes you very wet and dirty. I was thus dirty but exhilarated.

Thoroughly soaked by the time I came home, as I walked through the garden gate, the sun began to shine. Grrrrr! better late than never I suppose. I should have known better, it is a bank holiday weekend, and so was bound to rain.

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