Dear Erin,
I have been searching most of today to find a Story, with several chapters, that appeared some years ago, I am pretty sure on THIS Site, because I frequent it more frequently than any other of this genre. I wanted to re-read this one, because I find that the best stories are on THIS Site, especially since Crystal Sprite vanished, some years ago now.
I was searching for a tale that had a young man living in Northern Ireland who was seduced by two young ladies who he later found were British MI Agents, who then made him wear female clothes and who involved him in helping them out. Later he was moved to London and trained to work for the same Agency, as a female operative. He was given an apartment in London, and was encouraged to join a Club in London where a lot of Trans-Sexuals went. He found that he was taking over from a girl who had recently been killed, and a man from the Middle East was believed responsible. He had a Support Team of blokes, They uncovered a home-made Bomb factory run by middle-eastern terrorists, and he helped to stop them and to prevent them from blowing people up. He then went to Egypt, and was kidnapped but eventually escaped and went on to somewhere else.
He met his Mum who was worried about him, now her, she was eventually reconciled to her new Daughter. I have forgotten a lot of detail, but using several key words and different search sites I could not find it, even on Stardust.
BTW, the Authors List on Stardust has a lot of names of blanks, who have no stories listed as by them - have they withdrawn the tales once available ? It is disappointing to just find empty names with no explanation.
The other thing I would much appreciate your help to find is the author and name of a tale that appeared for a while a few years back, set in the UK at the time when the Celts had been abandoned by the Roman Legions and the Saxons, Angles and Jutes had taken over most parts of the British Isles, and the Vikings a.k.a. the Danes, were taking over parts of the land, A young boy is too small and weak so his Mother feeds him special herbs and disguises him as a girl. He has to go away, and wanders through the endless forest, being adopted by a wolf and a raven, he trains in the use of a bow and a sword, and becomes a fighter of legendary fame. He brings the different folks together to defeat a greedy and unpopular wannabe kinglet at the end.
It was announced that this was going to be withdrawn and published as a book, but I was very busy sorting out a house in the north of Sweden at that time, where I had been very happy years before when I worked there after my first wife threw me out, before being sent to West Germany by my employers where I lived for 14 years after marrying a German lady who left me after 14 years. (My mammaries continued to grow and I am no longer able to present as a male. It embarrassed her that I refused surgical removal and actually enjoy having them)
At 77 I still have all my hair, now to below my shoulders, in ringlets, with no greying, no wrinkles, and bruises vanish on me within a couple of days. It is a side effect of my accidentally swallowing radioactive iodine when using a mouth pipette in a research lab, many years ago. It messed up my metabolism so that I have double the usual numbers of macrophage cells in my blood, very low cholesterol, can only sleep for 3 hours at night, and in all my organs some cells have XY and others XX chromosomes, something we never knew until a couple of years back !
I now live on a tiny Hebridean Island close to the house my younger daughter, her man and 2 of her 3 children live in still (the third lives in Aberdeen with his soon to be wife). My elder daughter lives in France. The growth of the Internet and Google, plus the death or retirement of most of my former Clients, and the consolidation in the pharma and diagnostics industries, have killed my once thriving business so I have to get by in much reduced circumstances - the only work I can get here is for local Charities, which give me a reason for living but cannot pay me any money.
I would be exceedingly grateful if you can tell me the name of the author and title of that second tale, as via Amazon I might be able to get a Kindle version for a small sum.
I hope one day to offer a tale of my own - I did write one but the family said it was very naughty and I think it needs revising a lot first.
With many thanks to you and the whole team,
The first one sounds like a combination of Tanya Allen stories found on Sapphire TransGender Fiction Archive. . I hope this helps.
If there stories by Tanya Allan - most of her stories are now on Amazon as Kindle stories at an average of $4.99 ea.. for download. You don't need to buy a Kindle to read them, just download there APP *Kindle for PC* its free. Richard
The first one sounds like Tanya Allan's Candy Cane Club available here at BC. Or at Amazon Candy Cane Club
The second sounds like The Legend of Alfhildr by HW Cole and Jennifer Ellis at Amazon
"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!
Not CCC but it does sounds like a Tanya Allen plot!
The first story described is not Tanya Allen's "The Candy Cane Club" (CCC), although it has some plot-lines in common with that story.
Incidentally CCC can be found at
It is one of a bunch of early Tanya Allen stories at that she has kindly left on BC for our enjoyment.
Thanks for telling me about The Legend of Alfhildr, I remember that name now.
I understand that if I order it from Amazon via BCTS the latter gets a small commission from them. It cannot be much but, as they say at Tesco, "Every Lidl Helps" ! :)
I hope sometime soon I will be awarded some cash and first thing I will do is make a proper Donation to our favourite Site. On a tiny state pension ( they did give me an 11 p / week raise in April though - how generous !) it is all I can do to get enough to eat and in winter to keep warm, with gloves and 4 layers of clothes on as I sit at the keyboard, but the gloves make hitting the wrong key quite a problem.
I guess the other one has been taken off for some reason or other. Pity, it was really good.
I believe some of the reasons
I believe some of the reasons you find names in the author list of most sites without stories are:
1. The author removed their stories for personal reasons. On many sites the feedback comments can be quite brutal. Fortunately on this site, Erin and her wonderful group of admins and volunteers react quickly and decisively to such behavior (Rule One). It's not always fast enough to prevent people from being hurt, but this definitely is the friendliest TG site I've found.
2. The author set up an account intending to move their stories but never quite accomplished it. Sometimes authors develop differences of opinion with the admin of a site, and start to "take their marbles and go home," but resolve their differences and change their mind before doing so.
3. Often the author removed their stories in order to sell them on Amazon or another publisher that requires exclusive marketing. I'm always disappointed when a published story gets un-published but I certainly wouldn't fault the author for trying to make a few dollars.
4. Sometimes authors get their name, or the names of some of their characters listed as authors on sites to prevent others from co-opting them and posting stories under those names. It's a strange form of identity theft, but I've seen it happen.
I'm sure there are many other reasons. I hope this helps.
Carla Ann