I've read a number of stories where a young man is punished (usually by a mother/aunt/grandmother) by being made to dress like a girl, and inevitably they decide they want to stay that way. I'm curious however, if you punished someone in this way and then realized that the person you were punishing was disappearing into a new person wouldnt' you want to try and get them back? I mean, they're losing a son/nephew/grandson.
At the very least wouldn't their be some measure of guilt that they may have gone too far? Maybe i'm reading too far into this but as a transsexual myself i find the idea of forcing someone to be a gender they're not rather...frightening.
Or am I the only one who thinks that?
Can't use logic
Stories based on femdom, humiliation, etc. are not based on logical, real world thinking. In many cases, there is only a thin overlay of a story to get to the abuse, which is what both writer and reader really want.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Like 50 Shades....
That has a very thin veneer of bad writing to hold together the abuse scenes.
That Could Be Said
. . .for any genre.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
50 Shades
My background is perhaps very different to yours, no criticism actually. To me, the sex is only slightly more than many young couples might get into, including me in my other life. Let me preface my remarks by saying I know it was not real. Women's shelters are full of women who tried to fix a man.
The psychology is what attracted me. Part of my attraction to it was his brokenness that he so carefully tried to conceal. I did that for most of my life, though I never whipped or tied up a woman. She had very good boundaries but was willing to explore a bit, and how these two managed to bumble into a relationship without damaging each other is fascinating.
I am post op and pass almost flawlessly, and to not have a mate, at almost any price, sometimes breaks my heart. Though the dialogue was sometimes stilted, it spoke to my heart powerfully.
We are who we are
Forced fem stories are there and have readership because we, as trans people suffer far more than our share of guilt about being who we are. Usually this is because society or our parents/family have convinced us that there is something wrong or evil about being who we are. Many of us have tried unsuccessfully not be who we are and long for some scenario that allows us to be who we are without the guilt.
So the storyline comes where a young man is forced to experience the feminine and grows to like it and embraces it. He/she can enjoy being fem and it's not her fault, she was forced.
Personally, I prefer the story where the young man happens on to a situation where the need to experience the feminine arises and he volunteers to do so and discovers he likes it and then is accepted by family, friends and possibly a girlfriend.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Many of my early stories are "Forced Fem" as they call it, not because I am in to that, but because my transition felt that way. It's taken years to reconcile all that, but realizing that Mother named me Gwen and remember some of our short conversations, perhaps it was always meant to be?
Forced Fem Is for "In the Closet"
Some males wish to be female or dress feminine, but are too scared to actually cross dress. They need someone to "force" them into their greatest wish: wear female clothes. Remember that in all areas, if it can be conceived and physically done someone is doing it somewhere on this Earth.