I wasn't going to blog about this because I know some people get upset at me whenever I do anything, but others have encouraged me to say something and not let the naysayers steal my joy.
The Dress Punishment has just hit 50,000 reads. That's a lot. That is more than I would ever expect, especially on a story that is such a departure from what I usually do. It's humbling, because I didn't think anything I produced could have such a draw. I want to thank the people who read and re-read the story. I'm glad you like it and thank you.
One day I would like to do an illustrated version, or a animated cartoon.
Far and away
I think Dress Punishment is great because of it's departure from the norm. It's got a real twist to it that those of us who read TG fiction don't expect. While I haven't read a lot of your work (most of the storylines don't seem like something I'd like) Dress Punishment caught my eye and of those I've read, it's far and away your best work.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
an absolute gem
Would be in the running for "best story here" if such comparisons were meaningful.