Does anyone perhaps remember a story about a sailor that disembarks in Japan, saves a fox and is turned into a kitsune as his reward.
I would dearly love to read the parts of that particular serial again if only I could find it. It has seemingly dissappeared without a trace, and any help locating it would be appreciated.
you are looking for......
Kaho - A Little Fox Tale, unfortunately the author removed the story to do a rewrite (if memory serves)
got it
The draft can be read here:
if you are looking for the version that was on BCTS?
Some of us have a copy saved of it that was the version before kaho started rewriting it just PM me with an email address and I can send you the version I was sent.
"Cortana is watching you!"
A BIG thanks everyone!
Thank you for helping me find the story. Truth be told I still remeber the original plot, but could not remeber the styling of Kaho's writing. I was curious as to how she managed to mesh the japanese cultural refrences within a english structure without disruting the flow of the narrative.