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The tracking link for listing user’s posts and comments seems to have disappeared from my and other users’ account pages. The above link no longer works. Is this temporary, long term, or…?

Slowing down

erin's picture

Tracking has a lot of overhead with it, I was experimenting this morning with turning it off to see if it makes much difference. It doesn't seem to so I will probably be turning it back on. Our optimizations of database and caching seem to make up for the overhead.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I always figured

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

that tracking carried a large overhead, but it seems such an essential service–how else do we keep track of conversations? Glad to hear that it doesn’t overburden the server farm (at least, not more than anything else). Thank you for turning it back on. :)