Larry Bekins has problems, but maybe he can cook up a way to have things better.
Now available on Kindle through Snowfall's Amazon page:
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This story is 25 words long.
I can relate to this story well.
Dear Snowfall,
I can totally relate to Larry in this story. I was always the new kid, as my parents moved almost every year to a new town or state. I was smart, loved to do well in school, and was always picked on, bullied, beaten, or otherwise humiliated. I remember in my sophomore year I had an incident, like Larry, and made me want to be invisible too. I spent a total of 35 days in the hospital due to burns from bullies stuffing me into a trash container and igniting the paper around me. I suffered third degree burns on my buttocks and thighs, before someone decided that they would put the fire out. Although the three bullies that did this were caught by a teacher running away from the scene. They were sentenced to a Juvenile Correctional Institution until they turned 21. I was still bullied until my junior year at high school when I had an immense growth spurt. I went from 5' 2" to 5' 11" and gained weight from 89 lbs, to 135 lbs that year. People stopped picking on me because I was a bit taller than most of them. and over the summer between sophomore and junior years. I was given a scholarship to a karate school by the staff at the hospital where I stayed from the burns. So as I started my junior year at 5' 2" I wanted to be as invisible as I could as well. And I also wound up taking our junior year Home Ec class. At least the girls in the class had enough respect for me that I was a bit better protected until I reached 5' 8" in January of that school year. I wasn't sissified or babied, but I did wind up being the class 'pet'. I did make my first girlfriend ever, a nice fleece nightgown (full length) as a Christmas present. Her mom didn't quite like that present very well but accepted her receiving it because her older sister was in the class with me, and helped by getting her measurements for me. She wore that gown for six years before it got too threadbare. I also loved the cooking part of the classes as well as the sewing. I at least learned how to cook well enough to survive as a bachelor before I was able to find my first wife. She divorced me after 11 years of marriage and three daughters because her grade school crush came back into her life, and she used my depression as a reason for divorce. Fun thing though, I wound up getting the girls in the long run, and didn't have to pay a great deal for child support in the divorce.
I truly do like your story so far. Please continue as I am very curious as to what will happen to Larry for the Halloween event.
Your writing is very good, and I have enjoyed the first chapter very much, I look forward to more. :)
Frills is in the Kindle Store!
See the links above to buy this classic BigCloset story. Or if you can't buy it yet, and you enjoyed it here, go leave a nice review!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
While I haven't truly bought it, I did grab a copy through Kindle Unlimited. I'll be interested to see how it differs from the free version.
Please do
If there is sufficient add-ons or clean ups; her use of punctuation is different from the standard I think, as an example, so I hope to see that being fixed.
Just bought my copy
Still waiting for it finish downloading but then I will settle in to join the frills girls for awhile. THANK YOU SNOWFALL.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
I found it on Amazon!
I found it and it is now in my library. Thanks for getting it published and I wish you much success.
Love the cover
I love the cover. I'd wondered what the frills girls would look like if they where real. I've read the story from the start and even one day reread it up to at the time the current chapter. I had enjoyed pompom fortress so when this came out I really enjoyed it. I might be slightly biased since I'm a lover of redhead females(best friend is a pettie foul mouthed kickass redhead so go figure) but I think lana is the hottest of the 3.
I got it. Thank you. I am glad that I could get it this week. I wish that you would write more for this story. I do believe that you could grow this story for a long time. kind of like Texas Girl.
Thank you.
Jessica Marie
Triple Play
Purchased, reviewed, and 5 star rated!
To my collection. I had just finished rereading the story here. :)
#6 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Gay & Lesbian
#29 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Being a Teen
#175 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Frills in the U.K.
#1 in Books > Young Adult > Literature & Fiction > Gay & Lesbian
#6 in Kindle Store > Books > Teen & Young Adult > Social Issues > Being a Teen
#120 in Kindle Store > Books > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I guess when you get the book page by page you can't leave a review. Only one review in the U.S. and U.K so far.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
You can leave a review...
You can leave a review even if you didn't buy the book at Amazon. If you did buy it through the same account as you are leaving the review on, Amazon will flag the review as being by an actual buyer. That takes a few days sometimes though.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Frills girls are the best
A great read here and even better as a whole book on my kindle, am 83% through a reread. Keep up the good work!
Well I've gotten some feedback about the Amazon version of Frills. Some readers have been very surprised to find more content and are pleased. Thanks for the kind messages. Please don't forget to leave a review. Enjoy.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
#1 in Books > Young Adult > Literature & Fiction > Gay & Lesbian
#4 in Kindle Store > Books > Teen & Young Adult > Social Issues > Being a Teen
#95 in Kindle Store > Books > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
not everybody likes
not everybody likes trans-fiction. Today marked the first really crappy review. person said they were not into the genre, yet got the book anyway. some people have no sense I guess.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I'm so happy for you making the #1 spots!
I wouldn't worry about the one negative as you can't please everyone. You enjoyed writing it and we all shared in your joy.
Thanks for another great story.
Backing Into Your Work
I had not seen this story until it popped up on KindleUnlimited. I loved it. It was a very fun read, with excellent characters and believable dialogue. I am now going to start through your other works. Thank you very much.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
First read Frills using my KindleUnlimited subscription, then recently went and paid for it. The first time I read it was prior to catching up on the Jem series. I just reread it, and when I got to Denise singing MPP my coworkers at break were giving me funny looks for laughing. That cross-reference was awesome.
One of my favorite stories......
By one of my favorite authors - and a very good friend!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I have re-read this book so many times.
In fact, I have re-read several of Snowfall's books many, many times. I have read The Pom Pom Fortress a number of times. I re-read The Station's Late Nite Princess just last week. I find her books to be absolutely awesome.
A story worth reading
I read this when it was on BCTS. It's a story worth reading. The Girls of Frills are a force to be reckoned with. Determination, hard work and the support of family and friends see them though conflict and hard times.
This story will grip you and demand your attention until you finish it and then maybe asked you read it again, just because it's so good.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
bought this one quite a while ago
and have enjoyed the story several times. Sugary sweet but then that's the girls of frills.
Luv it
One of my all time favourites, purchased early 2020 & november now... lol I am rereading it again for the umpteenth time, wish there was more, but is what it is <3 cannot wait to see more of your amazing works of art
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Also one of my favorite story
I must have read it at least 5 times
Ahah! I was right. This image uses Fiolex Girls font.
-- Daphne Xu
just reread
I just reread my copy of this wonderful book for like the zillionth time and dogeared more of it and my computer. Snowfall is such a talented writer, just paiently waiting for a new book from her.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
I've been wanting to
Re-read this, so finally purchased it a few weeks ago. Haven't been feeling good today, and decided to do a lot of reading. It's fun to read it again. I'm not sure what extra material there is on the kindle version, but I'm glad I'll get to read it. One of my favorites from way back when I started reading on bcts.
The correct word.
From the way things were described the correct word would be trigamist.
Mrs. M seems like the type of person who would know that. :)
Why is this?
Why is this?
-- Daphne Xu
Looks good
Ordered from Amazon UK, PIty we can’t benefit BC when buying in Amazon.co.uk
Glenda Ericsson
Still very high on my
Still very high on my favourites list.
Kindle version would benefit from an 'edit'. However, the new vice principal searching the school halls for "stranglers" rather than 'stragglers' still makes me smile each time I read it.
Just finished Frills. What a delight ! The book contains so many aspects that make a great read! I have lost many hours sleep reading when I should be catching up on my much needed beauty sleep. You either have a lot of experience in many fields or spent countless hours researching, but probably both. I have cried and giggled and worried all through the story and it was so beautifully finished that it feels complete and needs no additional episodes. Thank you.
Glenda Ericsson
this story added words to my vocabulary
like "totes", which is now one of my favorite words.
Does it mean "tote-bag" or something akin to "totally" or "total"?
-- Daphne Xu
it means totally
huggles !
loved it
I downloaded this story on my Kindle. Finally got to read the entire story and I loved every bit of it. Thank you.
'Do or Do Not, There is no Try' - Yoda