My Girls (Caution: Image heavy)

On my blog recently, I posted the results of my tinkering around with a piece of software called Fuse by Mixamo (which can be downloaded Here. With it, I've been able to play around with their face editor and finally put a close approximation of the mental image I had of some of my girls up on screen, and I figured I'd share that with the website rather than keep them to myself. Here are the 'magnificent seven' I've got so far:


Behold, Miss Jamie-Lee Burke, on what is clearly a bad hair day.


...And here's Charlotte. She KNOWS she's the real star of the show.


Here's young Nikki Thomas, just back from a hard day's work. She thinks she looks better with her hair down, rather than up- though call, but here's a comparison-



This beautiful young thing is Nikki's girlfriend Sarah, who, ironically, thinks she looks better with her hair tied back- again, you be the judge-



Here's Baltimore's finest, the air steward turned stewardess Jessica Tyler, just on her way to (or from) her jet-setting lifestyle all over Europe. Whilst she is bewigged in the storyline (for now), she also prefers to let her hair down: again, feel free to agree/disagree



Here's the woman with whom Jessica fell in love at first sight, and it's easy to see why- say hi to Paige Robertson, yet another pasty Scot!


Last, but not least, is Jessica's room-mate, if not Manchester's finest then certain Manchester's most sarcastic, Natalie Briggs!

Not all of these images are 100% how I always envisaged the characters, but some of them are very close (Sarah is basically spot-on, and Paige is pretty much there too), whilst some are a bit out (Jessica and Natalie could do with a lot more work). The limitation of the software (the precious few hairstyles on offer, for starters) don't help- and I should also say that if you envisaged the characters as different in your mind's eye, don't feel under any obligation to change your mental image- I don't want to tell you how to enjoy my stories, that's 100% down to you.

I'll be posting more images soon, updating this forum thread rather than leaving yet more comments on my blog. If you have any character you particularly want to see, let me know, and if you want to see any further images from me, feel free to check out my deviantart gallery:

Thanks for reading/viewing!

Debs xxxx

(Edited 10/6- how could have forgotten about Paige's amazing eyes? :-)