Swyre Syndrome or XY gonadal dysgenesis

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It's frequently a fantasy of transgender readers to imagine what it would be like to be inter-sexed or androgen insensitive or some other unusual genetic manifestation. On today's Guardian website is an account of a woman who suffers with Swyre Syndrome or XY gonadal dysgenesis which has caused her problems much of her life.

One question which comes to mind after reading it is it would appear at no time does she seem to doubt her gender as other than female, or possibly this wasn't the place to discuss that. As her biology would be a mishmash of male and female, mostly without any sex hormones, does this tend to suggest, at least in her case, that gender would be primarily a social construct based upon her apparent physical sex rather than a genetic one?



As we have a blog title for religion, could we not also have one for science and medicine?



There could be all sorts of reasons her gender is female, but while I disagree vehemently with the 'social construct' theory, this actually disproves one tired old claim: your gender is determined by your chromosomes.

Very interesting, thanks,

Very interesting, thanks, Angharad.

It seems that someone with this syndrome develops as essentially female up until the expected onset of puberty, at which time the non-functioning ovaries become apparent as no puberty occurs. So perhaps the fetal brain develops in a typically female fashion in the absence of testosterone. Her gender might very well be based on her physiology rather than on her early socialization as a girl.

Thw idea of a blog for science and medicine is spot-on.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

New Blog Tag added

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Science and Medicine has been added as a tag for blogging. While I was at it, I also added TG Book for Sale for announcements of such kind.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Swryre Syndrome

Robyn B's picture

Hello, here is my two bob's worth.

In normal human sexual reproduction, two distinct gametes fuse to form a zygote. Gametes are reproductive cells produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. Gametes are also called sex cells. They contain only one set of chromosomes and are said to be haploid. When the haploid male and female gametes unite in a process called fertilization, they form what is called a zygote. The zygote is diploid, meaning that it contains two sets of chromosomes.
The male gamete (spermatozoa) being heterogametic can contain one of two sex chromosomes we call X or Y. The female gamete (ovum) is homogametic and contains only one type of sex chromosome we call X. When fertilisation occurs the resulting zygote is either XX or XY, usually. (I won't venture into the discussion about chromosomal variations in this post) Hence all zygotes will contain the building blocks for either a male or female from the very beginning of development. But we all know that what is drawn on the building plans does not necessarily make it to the final construction as there are many variables along the way.
All embryos develop according to the female plan until the time comes for sex differentiation to take place. This, I believe, is where Gender Dysphoria commences. Depending on just how this differentiation process takes place will determine if the individual will be cis-gendered or not. For many of us, this is the beginning of our troubles.
For male differentiation to take place, the embryo/foetus is washed/bathed/soaked in an androgen wash (from the mother) waking up the male genitalia and gender development processes. Depending on how well this happens will determine where on the gender spectrum this individual will be placed. It is my contention (along with many others) that an insufficient or interrupted androgen wash process, while prompting male genitalia development does not complete the gender development processes and our gender mismatch starts.

I think we all know the rest. As for the FtM community, the androgen wash in-utero happens when it shouldn't, and this becomes their cross to bear.

As to the development of sexual preference, I have not come across any information anywhere yet, to help me form an opinion or learn as to why that spectrum exists.


Now when we start to talk about chromosomal variations, all sorts of complications come about which could well explain the situation of this person in your news article.

Robyn B

And this wash busiiness can be due to unnatural causes also

Like DES babies which I suspect I may very well be one though I cannot confirm it.

So what you are saying, and I agree with, is that Swayre syndrome is probably a secondary effect at best. Why would it make a difference as to what the current genetic base of the individual is if the same hormonal wash would affect all sexual chromosomal types equally.

The lack of puberty hormonal activity would therefore make no difference would be the conclusion then.

Non-Klinefelter XXY

Having been born in 1947, the custom was that when a Doctor saw a baby born that was a bit of a mess with the sex organs, the child was "corrected" either right on the birthing table or in another room. None of this went on the medical record and the parents were not told. The only evidence that I have of an abnormal birth is that I was kept in hospital afterward for around a week or so.

As is common in toddlers, I "knew" by about age 4. And my mother raised me as a girl until my stepfather showed up. My birth name is Gwen. (actually Gwinn) and here in America most people interpreted my name to be Gwen when I spoke it. It was a constant issue growing up.

Later in life many people thought I was gay, so I frequently had to prove I was not by trotting out my wife, and children. Years after my marriage failed, medical tests were done and my genetic makeup was revealed. They said they could not be exactly positive but by spending a lot more money they could know.

It makes no difference now. At least "I" know I am a woman.


More money, greedy vultures. After they screwed around and lied to your parents. Despicable, utterly despicable.

I think I'm even more of a sour mood towards medicine after hearing this WSJ article today about the VA lobotomizing some Vets after WW2 without their consent.
Is informed consent really such a new practice in medicine?! X-(

Just because her genitals had

Just because her genitals had malformed, does not mean the structure of her brain was anything other than female. This is why she believes and acts like a women despite not undergoing puberty the usual way.

Recent studies have shown that there are fundamental differences between the brains structures of men and women, which is one main reason why the actions, likes, dislikes, affinities etc are different for men and women and also goes a long way to help describe how socially constructed expectations for men and women were created (they were based on what men and women already did and their differences, unfortunately they were rigid and anyone who didnt fit was kicked out....).

I disagree strongly with the 'social construct' theory. There are fundamental differences between men and women. Biological reasons and drivers. The existence of trans and homosexual people is testament to this. If gender was a social construct and everything we are is a social construct, trans and homosexual people wouldnt exist.