Which Austen heroine are you?

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I ran across this on a blog the other day and thought I'd share. Apparently,

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the quiz here!



I took the test and it says I'm Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility. Took one of these over on The Wotch comic awhile back and it said I'm Mingmei. Now, since I know very little about The Wotch, and nothing at all about Jane Austen, I don't have a clue what this all means. Am I complimented or insulted? ;-)

One of these days I'll run across one of these where I am familiar with the characters!

The Wotch test: http://www.misato.us/which_wotch_character/

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

OMG, Karen J! You don't know The Wotch!!!

Jeez! Well, The Wotch is set in high school, and one of the teachers was Professor Sorgaz.

At one point, Anne (The Wotch -- which is more or less a title to signify the most powerful witch) had different aspects of her personality split off, and they caused all kinds of mayhem, including changing the gender and age of many people.

Professor Sorgaz was changed into an Asian high school girl name Mingmei Wu, and everyone believed that they'd known her already. She spoke a broken English. When at last everything was sorted out again -- people put back in their own bodies, returned to their own age and/or gender, Mingmei asked to stay the way she was.

Someone realized that she was not the authentic article when they understood that her first name was Japanese and last name Chinese and that there was no possible explanation for her broken English.

Since then, she's spoken normally, but is somewhat shy. Her best friend now is a green blob that lives in her backpack and usually takes the form of a cleaning maid.

Hope this clarifies things for you, especially as to its connection with your own life.

Thanks for the backstory

I'd never quite figured out the professor part. And I had no idea about the multiple splits. I've only been reading it since last fall, and I'd gathered that Mingmei had changed, but had no idea how.

As for my own life, well . . . no green blob!

Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

4-Way Tie

If I'd have known it was Myers-Briggs based, I would have known I'd end up on the border in at least one category. Every time I've taken a Myers-Briggs test, I've ended up with two very definites, and two borderlines. Always Extraverted and iNtuitive are definites in the high-90th percentile. And it's usually very nearly an exact 50/50 split for both Thinking/Feeling and Percieving/Judging.

So, my results for the Wotch test came up Lita, Jo, Alex, and Katie. - O.o' - The three from the spinoff, Cheer! and the Wotch herself!

Lita -=- ENFP
Lita -=- ENFP

Jo -=- ENTP
Jo -=- ENTP

Alex -=- ENTJ
Alex -=- ENTJ

Katie -=- ENFJ
Katie -=- ENFJ

I don't think so

It looks like Annie The Wotch in the picture, but checking the website, that is actually Katie, a werecat. She has longer hair than Annie, and wings instead of the more bang-like look Annie has.

Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Elinor Dashwood

I think probably because I chose Emma Thompson as the actor to play me. I'm just glad it wasn't Emma :) Or that foolish girl in Northanger Abbey :)


Highly unlikely.

Kirkpatrick Macmillan didn't invent it until 1839 and Austen was writing about 40 years earlier :) Macmillan died in 1878 which, shockingly for me, makes him a contemporary of my Grandfather who was born around 1860 and died in 1945. I remember him quite well. Grandfather not Macmillan ;)


idiot pushem bikes

laika's picture

Could she have had a velocipede maybe? Velociraptor? Whatever they were called?
With no pedals & you got them going with your feet like a Flintstones car?
(I picked Emma Thompson too, but it doesn't seem to have helped...
I really don't wanna be CATHERINE MORLAND, but I bow before
the obviously highly scientific methodology of this test...)
~~~sigh, LAIKA

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Anne Elliot, me

... of Persuasion. Ha ha! Not bad! And played by Amanda Root, if you please! I'm a big fan of Jane Austen -- she was a genius and an amazing writer. I don't know whether Doctor Who ever met her, but he ought to have.

Seems accurate to me.


"Is this good, or what?"

Sarah Lynn


Now for more fun, which Austin character would you choose for one of
your fellow Closet denizens? One of your favorite authors, or a perhaps
even a secret admirer?

Sarah Lynn

I dunno

I always fancied being Tom Swift's sister, Sandy. I mean, look at this bio!

Sandra "Sandy" Swift - Tom's year-younger sister. Sandy is pert and blond, also headstrong and brave. She is not quite as scientifically focused as her famed brother, toward whom she is less than reverent, though she clearly idolizes him. A trained pilot and aircraft demonstrator.

A pert, blonde 17 year-old who is a skilled pilot? Who wouldn't want to be!

Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Edit: I ended up being Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey on this one. Dunno what that means either. Doesn't look a thing like me by the picture. None of those books were in our collection at home, as I had four older brothers but no sisters.


"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

My Fanny, Kaleigh

Now I'm Fanny from Mansfield Park. I've not read the story;
however, as Fanny was a shy retiring girl, and a poorer relation
who was less fortunate than her sisters were; this one is fairly
accurate too.

If anyone knows the story, I'd appreciate knowing if the girl had
any redeeming graces. Did she danced well, and read more widely
than her fellows? Did she gave of herself in friendship not often,
but when given - with abandon? Was she a person whose eye could find
the scars that only the heart knows, and who never looked upon but few
of her fellows without some good measure of sympathy or compassion;
despite never having received that self same empathy from them?

If so, I'd love to know. I may even read the story.

Sarah Lynn

Shedding light ON a fanny

Don't many people feel the sun shines from there?

Of course, in England, the fanny is somewhere else, which would make it a really bright . . . Let's not go there


I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.

My Result

I am Elizabeth Bennet!

If the truth be told, somehow I'm not sure I'm really surprised. I even have her coloring!

Oh, well. We'll just have to muddle through as best we can.


I am Marianne Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

That's who it says I am ^^


    I just got to be me :D


I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D