Weekends are too short!

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Here we are again, the end of another weekend with work lurking just over the horizon. Once more I feel that I haven't done very much at all, didn't do a bike ride or write another masterpiece, only fiddled about and achieved very little.

Okay, so I got some chores done, fed the inhabitants of Bonzi Villa, and made sure they have clean clothes. I also did some vacuuming and broke said vacuum cleaner - well the belt. It took me an hour to fit a new one. I am not mechanically minded, so fixing things that move other than people, is not one of my skills. Bonzi, the only male in the house was out and I suspect he knows even less about vacuum cleaners than I do, he scarpers when I use one, and my aging aunt is about as much use as fly paper shark repellant.

During the repair of our Vax, the air turned blue as I practised what limited vocabulary of Old English words, I possess. Even with the destructions, and yes I did read them first, it wasn't easy. To start with there were six screws instead of the five they mentioned - no wonder I couldn't get the blessed thing apart! Then once I did, I couldn't get the brush spindle out. Just lift it out, said the instructions - my hat! I had to force it out with a large screwdriver, half expecting it to snap something at any moment. It didn't of course, but then putting it back in while pulling on the belt as well!!!!!!!!!!

If the air was blue before, it was even darker by the time I finished. I had to stop and rest my back part way through - the operation site (I had surgery in November), was aching rather a lot, although I hadn't lifted much, bending over the machine seemed to set it off.

So, I got the machine fixed but couldn't do anymore vacuuming as I couldn't stand up straight. I had a bath which did ease it a little, then cycled down to the local shop for the sunday papers, coming back my back was hurting again, so a bike ride was out of the question.

In the end, I did the Observer crossword - without Bonzi's help! Then nodded off in the chair, talked with my daughter on the phone, and wrote this. It's hardly a masterpiece is it?

Maybe we need longer weekends and then I can waste even more time.

Angharad Quasimodo!


So sorry!

Sorry to hear it's been a bad day for you. Looking at the clock, I see its almost 9 PM your time. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?

Hugs to you and Bonzi
Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

You're in good company

It took a good half hour to fix our barely months old upright this mmorning after it foolishly tried to eat a sock.

Dad performed surgery with various screwdrivrs and finally a broom handle pushed it out and we were back in the cat terrorizing business. Our first cat liked our old canister vac and used to pounce on the hose and even paw at it when running but then the upolestry brush was great at sucking up loose hair from his long coat.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. As to belts, the drive belt on our old Hoover, now that was a bit*h to get back on.

John in Wauwatosa

Long Weekend

Yep I agree the weekend is just too short.

Maybe we could add Friday and Monday to it to make it a reasonable length :-)



Sorry about the back,

But wow! I wish I could could take a nap and call someone and put out more words than anyone else I know. All this while sleeping? Simply amazing!
Anyways, hope you get to feeling better soon hon

Shark repellant.

Funny I've always found the fly-paper shark repellant very effective. In all the years we've used it we've never seen any sign of sharks. Of course that may be because we live 100 miles from the sea but I don't think so.

The few times I've repaired our Dyson caused a bit of Anglo-Saxon. Taking it to bits was hard enough but putting back together after fitting the new motor wasn't exactly piece of cake ... and I'm supposed to be mechanically-minded :)

There was a delay writing this as SWMBO called me in to do the Observer so-called Quick Crossword which this week wasn't too bad. We guessed 1 down 'eructate' to be 'belch' (?) and 'felo do se' (IIRC) to be 'suicide' simply because it fitted the letters. I'm afraid I'm hopeless at cryptic crosswords but A sometimes manages them. She's just more devious than I am. She also went for a longish bike ride today (50+ miles I guess) but I just couldn't be bothered to go out on a cold wet windy day. It's been awful here for weeks and though I am getting out a bit (about 100 miles/week) it's difficult to get motivated when I have to wear as many clothes in April as I was in February ... and still feel cold :( Must be old age.

I prefer weekdays really ... the weekends are so busy when all those people who are normally at work clutter the place up so. Old age has its advantages I guess.

Hope the back clears up and, next time you need to fix the vacuum cleaner, put it on a bench or table. It's a lot less trouble.


As Easy As Falling Off A Vacuum Cleaner

Truthfully (I swear), I've spent many odd moments today trying to think of something to put on the end of "As Easy As Falling Off A" but hadn't come up with anything until now.

I guess nature is not the only one who abhors a vacuum, now, is she?

A longer weekend?

Yes, I can see how that could well be helpful! Only, let's keep those extra days a bit of a secret, okay? You know if others are aware of it, they might be demanding of more cleaning, or writing, or proofing or something. *shudders* :-)

Hope your back relaxes overnight and is good in the morning.
