To much

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There is way to much white in the background of the site.

That #FFFFFF background colour is a killer on the eyes, if the css was edited and that changed to #EEEEEE it would be far easier to read the contents.

No white

erin's picture

You'd better check your monitor settings, I don't think there is any white background on BC except in the editing boxes. The story backgrounds are Manilla or Vanilla, a much easier color to read black text against than your choice of platinum.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

no white on my screen

I would agree. I don't see any obvious areas of white except for text input.(perhaps the textbox I am writing in right now is white).

Perhaps she is talking about the Quickcuts up top

where it alternates between white and light light grey for the stories entries between 1 - 30 for the front page?

That may be the complaint if its being viewed on a phone or tablet.


For weeks now the topshelf

For weeks now the topshelf page has not been displaying correctly. I see ONLY the center pane with the stories. The left and right side panels show only a tiny bit along each side and only if I scroll waaay down. Even then I cannot get to them even with the horizontal slider. The center pane is as wide as the header at the top. The stories are constrained to a normal, narrower column, but that just leaves white space along each side. It does this in both my old Firefox browser and a newer version of IE.